Nice. If you can get fancy you could also include at least one bigger girl so customers can see what it might look like on them and see immediately that it’s got their size.
Some of the products have a larger woman modelling them, but she has the same tan and hair as the other woman. She just looks like a larger version of the other model.
If I reach out to people to model the items myself I’ll just want anyone that can wear them in their own style. Body shape doesn’t really matter, as long as they can show how versatile this stuff can be.
Nice. If you can get fancy you could also include at least one bigger girl so customers can see what it might look like on them and see immediately that it’s got their size.
So many things only have straight sizes
Some of the products have a larger woman modelling them, but she has the same tan and hair as the other woman. She just looks like a larger version of the other model.
If I reach out to people to model the items myself I’ll just want anyone that can wear them in their own style. Body shape doesn’t really matter, as long as they can show how versatile this stuff can be.