How has your day been?
What was your favorite way to convince people to vote for Donald J Trump in the recent US election?
Interrupting people extremely often.
Which country do you think causes the most problems for everyone and should probably be nuked off the face of the planet?
Probably sudan or one of those countries.
How tall does a hat have to be for you to want to wear it?
At least 2 meters.
Did you ever kill anyone? If so, how many did you kill and did you ever feel like you could have done something different?
I would say about 40. A shovel would help.
If you had to choose a utensil to wipe your butt with (no toilet paper) which would you choose?
With a spoon. sometimes a fork.
Wow, I don’t even need to change that one. FORK??
If there’s no spoon?
Well, if it’s out of necessity sure, I would use a knife if need be. But choosing to use a fork sounds crazy
I’ve never been good at these. How many babies do you think should be thrown into mount Etna each hour as a sacrifice to appease the Volcano God?
At least 3.
Promote this guy to O-5 council immediately.
You seem to be mentioning right wing grifters a lot in this thread. What exactly do they do that upsets you so badly?
They are destroying America, and other countries with them, for monentary gain.
I’m pregnant and it’s yours. :( What do you want me to do?
Crush it.
What is the ideal number of children dying from preventable diseases each day, sufficient to make you feel happy in yourself?
I would guess 200,000.
Average Health Insurance CEO
What is your favorite pizza topping?
I threw up a little in my mouth.
What are some serious things that would only happen in a sitcom?
People to take the climate crisis seriously.
Which would you rather do, save a kid from a burning building or spend your time or playing with a cat?
Playing with a cat.
You’re so reasonable!
Given the opportunity, would you expose yourself sexually to a group of kindergartners?
These secondary reaction comments are my favorite; this one got me laughing good
Do you like it in the butt?