Joke’s on you; I drive with generic Ford Focus badges, rotate my number plate for each new road, and use a curated set of bumper stickers that match 67% of other road users for harder fingerprinting.
When I want to be extra sneaky I drive my car into a lorry (semi), drive the lorry onto a train, offload the car while on the train and change lines, load into a different lorry, disembark the train a short way away from the locality I want to reach, drive half way in the lorry, then get the car out for the final few miles. I call this method, “The Onion Road,” because of the layers of privacy.
Joke’s on you; I drive with generic Ford Focus badges, rotate my number plate for each new road, and use a curated set of bumper stickers that match 67% of other road users for harder fingerprinting.
When I want to be extra sneaky I drive my car into a lorry (semi), drive the lorry onto a train, offload the car while on the train and change lines, load into a different lorry, disembark the train a short way away from the locality I want to reach, drive half way in the lorry, then get the car out for the final few miles. I call this method, “The Onion Road,” because of the layers of privacy.
Did Spy Hunter write this?
Peter Gunn music intensifies.
I’m afraid I don’t know who that is.
Old-ass video game. You drove your car into the rear of a van for various upgrades or health/respawn mechanics:
I am picturing a James Bond esque rotating licence plate, but it’s the whole rear end of the car that changes.
“Better switch to suburbanite mode!”
Hits a button and the back of the car changes to look like a soccer mom’s minivan