cross-posted from:
! removed my post, without any sort of notification, which is lame and annoying.
Here is the original text, copied verbatim:
Something is going on with Samsung TV’s voice assistant
My TV has suddenly started to interpret voice commands as if I was speaking Russian. Users on Samsungs community forum are reporting the same issue. There are users on Reddit who are also reporting the same issue.
A quick google search shows that this is worldwide, and that it started somewhere between 3-5 days ago.
What the hell is going on, Samsung?
(I am not seeking tech support or advice, just raising awareness to what is hopefully a benign problem.)
I hope the TVs make a recovery.
A man read too much Russian, this is what happened to his brain.
For those curious, it’s because the video appears to be a ChubbyEmu video and his titles are always in the above format. He reads about medical issues.
проверьте настройки, возможно, там можно изменить язык
This TV suddenly started spewing Russian subtitles, this is what happened to it’s hardware….
The owner brought the TV to the ER, where we are now.
Самсунг теперь русская компания
That would be hilarious.
Pree-vee-yet droog!
Ever been an engineer who seriously fucked something up?
Bernard is a national treasure!