And now I’m (slowly) typing this in dvorak.
The vi keys are better than qwerty’s home row. It’s been two days and I’ll die on this hill.
Is it terminal?
Edit: Guess I should mention it’s a Nuphy Air60 V2 given the com. I was a bit hasty.
Please don’t dedicate yourself to only Dvorak, or you’ll forget how to use qwerty and alienate yourself to only your keyboards. Try alternating between both, I did the same for Colemak and now I can type both with similar speeds
What’s Emacs? Is it as good as Vim?
Emacs is a lovely operating system used by many. I think it also has a text editor.
Can you expand on your setup?
As far as the keyboard, I got a Nuphy Air60 V2 as my first. Maybe not super top, but it’s comfy and I’m loving it. Emacs is a rabbithole, unless you wanna get into that too lol
Oh, and the switches are Nuphy’s special moss LPs. I think they’re supposed to be like slightly heavier browns?
Did you reprogram reach key until you had dvorak layout, or is there a preset or something? I’m also not sure what youre doing with emacs or really what it even is 😬
I used Via because there’s a qmk version of the firmware, and yeah, I just set one of the layers to the layout. The Nuphy has a switch for Win/Mac mode that toggles between layer 1 (with 2 and 3 for modifiers) and 4 (with 5 and 6 for modifiers), so I can switch easily between qwerty. I actually did that to finish this cause I’m still slow as hell lol.
Emacs is “just” a text editor that’s an operating system in disguise, waaaay too configurable and macro’d out than any software should be. Or like all software should be, maybe.
So you use default vim bindings with dvorak? I use neovim and type in qgmlwy but I remapped the bindings in my config.
Dvorak is only clumsy for the first few years. After that, you stop thinking about it and it feels natural.
Lol idk if there’s a maybe little sarcasm there, but honestly, I love it already. I’ve been averaging about 15 wpm at 80% accuracy, and getting the groove to manage a few seconds at 30 wpm is so smooth.
Good work! Only a little sarcasm, but after 35 years, I can type faster than I can write, and it just feels like thinking into the computer. (Does it feel the same for QWERTY typists? I dunno)
QWERTY typist here, yes