Ooo love the podcast but I missed that episode. I’ll check it out!
Wait, you’re telling me he was not the chief engineer of space x whole simultaneously being the world champion at a video game?
Not good enough. You should really be inspecting your CPU with a microscope.
Lol. While I was building my app I didn’t have a name for the first month. Then I came up with Blorp and my gf was like “yeahhh keep working on the name”. My thought process is that it’s most important that the name stick in your head so when your friend is like “I’m using Blorp” later when you go to download it, you remember the name. I’m also not a fan of Lemmy’s mouse branding. So I wanted a name that sticks in your brain and to ditch the typical Lemmy branding.
But if someone comes up with a better name, I’ll consider it. Naming things is hard lol.
For me its 50% because it seems the accept new users the fastest (from my very unscientific test) and 50% because Voyager does it so it must be the right way lol. Initially I had it randomizing between the most popular instaces, but I decided to simplify it and have it default to I don’t feel that strongly. If someone presented a good argument for why I should change it, I would consider it.
I think you can also report it to Google. Enough reports, and their email will automatically be flagged as spam. You can write them a nice email explaining how their absence of an unsubscribe button will ultimately hurt them when Gmail cuts them off from its users.
You should probably take a second edible just to be sure
What’s Emacs? Is it as good as Vim?
You’re saying I could be thinking twice as fast 👀
Can someone check my math? I’m estimating Trumps first term tax cuts saved the top 1% at least $100b durning his first term. Trump is complaining about less than $9m being spent here. $9m is 0.009% of $100b. Did I get that all right?
It’s probably not super difficult. It’s mainly that cutting new releases for too many platforms might be tedious. But as I settle on a stable release that meets most people’s needs, I’ll be more interested in pushing to more platforms.
That being said, I’m mainly looking for high quality beta testers atm. If you were really enthusiastic about this over other Lemmy apps, that would make me more likely to look into Flatpak soon.
But if it’s more like “its interesting but not for me,” then I’ll likely wait
Appriciate the kind words! This is mostly a project to make myself migrate from Reddit. I’ve sunk a lot of hours into this app, but I really wanted to wait until it was pretty usable to share it. Still a ton of work to do, but I really hope a few people enjoy using it and can help me itterate on the current design through feedback.
I’ve spend a lot of hours on this. I’m at the point where I mainly need to know at least a few people will use this. Then some feedback from those people. But if I get those, I’m happy to keep working on the project!
I will need to have better handling of both error and loading states. Thanks for letting me know about this issue!
Try upvoting or clicking login, and it will prompt you to change your instance. Unless the 503 errors are crashing the page
That’s what I was going for! Not looking to replace the other Lemmy apps, but I’m happy I can provide an option for people that like this still of client.
Tbh, I have no idea how Linux works. But I’m looking at some documention and I don’t see why Flatpak wouldn’t be possible.
Was that Helly or Helena on the severed floor with mark?