You get imposter syndrome and a lifetime of wondering if you’re not gay enough or not straight enough.
You double your dating pool and still nobody will like you.
Hello, 911? I need an ambulance, somebody has just stabbed me in the heart and posted it on social media.
It doesn’t double your dating pool, I’m sick of people saying that. It only slightly increases your dating pool from that of a straight person. You can only have CONSENSUAL relationships with straight people of the opposite sex and gay people of the same sex. Unless there are roughly the same amount of gay people as straight people, bisexual people don’t have DOUBLE the potential dating partners
Doesn’t matter. Zero chance times any number of candidates is still zero.
You came to shitty ask lemmy, and then GOT UPSET that someone gave you a shitty answer? You’re kidding…right?
You get older men hitting on you vaguely
so vaguely like being a straight girl
You get a free toaster oven, but it only cooks fritattas.