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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • The comments on this post are cringe. There was only a single person who took the “Trust but Verify” approach, and everyone else just spewed hate. Until people stop with the outrage culture allowing things to capture their attention, this kind of crap isn’t going to stop.

  • Not everything a food bank gives out is non-perishable.

    You’d know that if you’d ever been to one. Unironically check your privilege.

    As I stated earlier - the food is given out in ‘lots’ - It has perishables, and non perishables. They can’t give it to him if he doesn’t have a place to store it. (A “friends place” isn’t a place to store it either because then who’s to tell if the “friend” isn’t just using him to hit up food shelters for a second time?) A good portion of it would simply rot if he didn’t have a place for it.

    Due to the way it’s all regulated, they can’t just keep some of it and give him only non-perishables either. (Due to people pinching stuff out of the lots to take home for themselves) Your ignorance is shining so brightly I can hardly see at this point…

  • There are regulations surrounding how they distribute, to who, who qualifies, etc.

    If you tripped one of those things, they just simply can’t give it to you.

    It’s not their concern. It’s mostly people who don’t understand why it is the way it is, but have been told that’s how it is and to follow the rules.

    Like, go ask a McDonalds worker why their hashbrowns are $2.50…they don’t know, they just know that’s how it is. Don’t blame them, blame the people who wanted strict oversight into how donated foods were handled.

  • Many states have first-time homebuyers programs that will absolutely shunt the issue of transitioning to Rent/homebuying. Most people are too lazy or stupid to take the initiative though. Every person I have talked to about renting vs home owning has always managed to make excuses why they can’t do something, instead of working to make it happen. It’s daunting as fuck, for sure - but it’s possible if you scrimp and do without for a while. That short-term of doing without, ultimately ends up with you paying into something you OWN. You’re building your personal equity with a house, and many people will argue against that because of learned helplessness.