Failing to redress the issues facing young men will push them further towards the far right
in several areas there is now a reverse gender gap, with boys, particularly those from poorer backgrounds, struggling to keep up with girls
Do you think this is an important issue?
What a wild thing to publish on International Women’s Day. Almost like this “we don’t talk about young men” stuff the media is pushing isn’t about helping young men but telling women to shut up.
None of this is to deny the many inequalities faced by females in a patriarchal society.
“Faced by females”. There’s quite a bit of bioessentialism in this that attempts to essentially say violent men have no agency. Like I’m sorry, having a shitty childhood or high testosterone aren’t excuses. The culture shift needed to help young men is to treat them like people, capable of feeling the full range of human emotions, and part of being a person is being responsible for your actions.
Also, no amount of women capitulating to reactionary rhetoric is going to bring about a culture shift that young men don’t want, young men are just as responsible for making their lives better as everyone else. Yes, they need more support structures (we all do), but young men need to want to get better and I’m not sure a lot of them currently do.
Only commenting because I can’t down vote on my instance. This is repulsive MRA fluff from a consistently misogynistic writer. Nothing to add because its not worth platforming.
Describing the content of that article as REPULSIVE is just deeply misandrist. Why is it seemingly impossible for people to care about more than one demographic at once.
There’s an odd tendency amongst certain sections of society to immediately dismiss issues that other people are experiencing based on disgust at some of the people airing the issues. Just because someone unpalatable to you co-opts the issue doesn’t mean it’s a none-issue.
If we want to stop being surprised by things like Brexit and Donald Trump being elected then attempting to silence discussion like this above piece isn’t going to help.
Doesn’t need we need to listen and share disgusting people just because the issue they’re coopting actually somewhat real
These youths need a national jobs program, with training and then sent all over the country to repair and maintain the infrastructure of the country that is likely in disrepair.
Give people purpose and they might gain a drive to either do good at that job or do anything they can to get a better life outside of work.
As for the misogyny, make feminist pornography the only porn available at worksites. I don’t know, that one is a harder issue to fix.
People need God
I’ve been told that free markets are just as good.
Let’s worship a politician instead!
What evidence is there that proves God’s existence?
I hate this stupid question so much.
It’s the fucking atheist gotcha.
Congratulations, you have contributed nothing to the conversation except for making this idiot rant for a thousand hours.
What convinced me was the New Testament - Basically, Jesus was a quite well recorded figure, and within a short period of time a narrative appeared about Him claiming to be God, doing miracles and then literally dying and physically rising from the dead. It rapidly started a movement of hundreds of people who were convinced that they saw Him alive, and many were willing to die for that fact if they didn’t actually die themselves. There is a lot of archaeological evidence for this early Church, and I have very good reasons to believe that the Gospels of Matthew and John were eyewitness accounts and the likes of Luke and Mark were compiled by eyewitness accounts from that time and location. Basically, the New Testament was written in the first century about a Guy Who’s existence and crucifixion is undeniable, written about His teachings, miracles and claims to be God, then His tomb was found empty and they claim they saw Him physically resurrected. It started a movement shortly after with the same narrative that hasn’t changed, unlike other legends.
Good videos on it that can explain it better than me:
The naivety of it all is fascinating.
Fair enough. I don’t think I’m convinced of God’s existence myself. But I think freedom of belief is important - we should be free to believe or not believe in God, because I don’t think anybody knows the answer for certain.
Don’t you think the Jesus story would be a terrible way for an omnipotent being to send an important message that’s vital for everyone to hear? Just creating a normal human and plonking them in some desert backwater - who looks and sounds just like any other human. The only difference is he hears voices in his head, and can pull off some pretty mediocre magic tricks.
If all it takes is an appealing story to convince you that something with literally no evidence is true and you should devote your life to it, there are many other stories like that, check out the Baghavad Gita for instance. Some really wonderful characters and truly fantastic events - not to mention absolutely mind-blowing magic, all of it completely true (apparently).
Hindus see Jesus as another god, but Jesus claimed to be the only way to the Father, so Hinduism is pretty incompatible with the Jesus narrative
Hinduism is pretty incompatible with the Jesus narrative
Of course it is lol
If there were a real god that cared about what rituals you perform in this life, then you would expect multiple religions to appear independently all over the world with the exact same rituals. But that has never happened once. Every single religion is totally different from all other religions that are properly independent of it.
Never has divine inspiration revealed the same “truth” in different parts of the world independently. Almost as if it’s all just common or garden mental illness.
Christianity is the largest religion in the world and the vast majority of the world has heard about Jesus, so not necessarily
Which one?
My current top two are:
- the one killing said boys in Ukraine
- the other one killing said boys in Gaza
Last I checked it’s humans killing boys in Ukraine and Gaza.
What’s the point of all mighty gods if they can’t be bothered to stop misery. If they do exist - they’re assholes.
Except He will
Any time now. Or in the past 10,000 years would be great
Then we’d all be dead without a chance to repent.
And then God said:
“Lol. Lmao”
The one which kills everyone, obviously! Why half measures?