Its a low taxed province, which could mean lower services. Oil fields, and trucks. It attracts the type of person that cares about themselves rather than society. (I’m generalizing of course, there are good people there also) There’s a reason we call it Northern Texas, and it’s just not because of the cowboy hats.
They refused to shake your hand because you are from Ontario? What the heck… they need mental health care.
Its a low taxed province, which could mean lower services. Oil fields, and trucks. It attracts the type of person that cares about themselves rather than society. (I’m generalizing of course, there are good people there also) There’s a reason we call it Northern Texas, and it’s just not because of the cowboy hats.
Edmonton and Calgary are, unsurprisingly more for progressive policies.
Yeah big cities, less hicks
Yeah you don’t get that in Alberta through
Well, that’s comforting to hear!
That’s just Alberta…
Angry that we’re not freezing in the dark.