Lots of countries are bolstering forces by hundreds of thousands, even if their current military is in the tens of thousands. It’s eerie how similar it seems when the world is preparing to avoid war, and when the world is preparing for war.
There is no preparing to avoid war. We had a long peace time because people thought nuclear powers couldn’t be humbled by non nuclear powers but Russia went ahead and proved that to be a false assumption.
They’re preparing for war be out today to or a decade it’s happening and likely in your lifetime.
A lot of countries by now are stockpiling weapons and weapon accessories in preparation of a war. Talking is leaving the chat.
Lots of countries are bolstering forces by hundreds of thousands, even if their current military is in the tens of thousands. It’s eerie how similar it seems when the world is preparing to avoid war, and when the world is preparing for war.
There is no preparing to avoid war. We had a long peace time because people thought nuclear powers couldn’t be humbled by non nuclear powers but Russia went ahead and proved that to be a false assumption.
They’re preparing for war be out today to or a decade it’s happening and likely in your lifetime.