A Chester woman has denied having an offensive bumper sticker on her car and will face a trial in the spring.
Georgia Venables, 29 and of Prenton Place in Chester, pleaded not guilty to one charge of displaying threatening/abusive writing/sign/visible representation likely to cause harassment/alarm/distress at Chester Magistrates Court on Tuesday.
CPS prosecutor Valeriya Tonkinson told the court that on January 8 this year, the defendant was seen travelling on Deva Link with a bumper sticker that said ‘Don’t be a cunt’.
“And anyone who feels harassed by this sticker is probably a bit of a cunt!” And so rests the case for the defence.
Now the fun part.
Where the prosecution aregues being a cunt is a legally protected privilege. So telling folks not to be is offensive.
At some point ideally. But how can we protect politicians from this offence. Becomes a major news event.
And witnesses for the defence: Nigel Farage and Jeremy Clarkson because no-one could argue they don’t deserve to be called “cunts” as often as possible.