Make tetanus great again
Not to defend the swastidumpster but…
The pop-up lights are dangerous just because the mechanical parts that make them pop up can fail and you won’t have any lights.
Being blinding bright is somewhat safer than not being visible at all. 🤷🏻♂️
fail and you won’t have any lights.
You’re right, of course. That and the added collision risk if they do get hit while the lights are up. Still, going over a hood is much safer than under.
I thought Miatas where only banned in Germany/EU (where the Nazitrucks are not allowed too)
Are they really? Just NAs or all Miatas?
Afaik only NA. Others are Ok. Though, that’s always only for driving on public grounds/roads, you can drive anything on private property afaik
That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying!
Step 1: Extort half a trillion dollars of wealth from the working class.
Step 2: Be above the law because of your obscene capital horde, make a really shitty car.
Would you expand on this? I’m pro working class and I feel like there’s a story I want to hear more of here.
I am certainly no expert, and I won’t act as though my comment was meant to be more than a punchline in a meme post, but Elon has effectively been running the grift for ages now. I was following his bullshit way back in the Hyperloop days when he was convincing local governments, universities, and really just the general public that his snake oil was just around the corner and soon would revolutionize society with a little help. The man just gobbled companies up and repeatedly amassed more and more wealth by pump and dumping absolute nonsense to anyone he could and somehow repeatedly got away with it over and over. He turned his ‘little’ pile of generational apartheid wealth and a break from his part of PayPal (he didn’t make it of course, he doesn’t make things which actually work) into an empire of grift which fucks workers, investors, and taxpayers in one swoop. Here it comes guys in a year from now we’ll be traveling in thousand mile vacuums going at the speed of sound! Oh and we’ll have fully underground car transport that whisks you back into the city with elevators, and massive tunnels which we can make super quick and cheap (you might know this as the funny tiny tunnel which ferries Teslas in at a snail’s pace), or solar roofing shingles, or full self driving cars, or TESLABOTS or going to mars on a spaceship with a god damn entertainment room, or cheap reliable reusable rockets which reduce launch costs or the TESLA Semi truck for long haul deliveries or god knows what else he’s said and altered and lied through his teeth about.
I don’t have concrete numbers on the damage, but no one earns a billion dollars, it must be exploited. Yet somehow 1 billion is a pittance to this titan of grift, and now he’s at the helm of the White House. Sorry this likely wasn’t the objective detailed story you were looking for, but that rant was a long time coming.
That’s exactly what I was looking for. We’re on the same side here. Thanks for your thorough response. Yeah, he’s made subsidized bait-and-switch an art form. If you or I did that kind of damage to public infrastructure we’d be on death row.
What if we made it taller with brighter headlights so the pedestrians can see it more easily?
Okay. Crazy idea, but hear me out first. What if instead of expanding on the tired old SUV paradigm, we instead motorize football field bleachers?
Way taller and brighter than anything else on the road.
Just keep raising them until they are eye level, and make sure to put lights capable of outshining the sun in them. That way everyone can see.
If the pedestrians retinas aren’t sizzling are they really considered bright?
Amen! If we’re going to have 85 mph traffic through a dense residential area, those pedestrians need to be able to see a vehicle from at least a mile away.
It’s all been downhill since the demise of the pop-up headlight
It’s all been downhill since the demise of the
pop-up headlightvehicle-free city.I’m having a bit of laugh, but in all seriousness, I should be able to walk downtown without risk of being hit by a car. I bought a reflective cap after a near miss. It was not the last. I may have to get a vest next. I work and live here. I should’ve have to dodge traffic.
Oh yeah, I was on my bike and got hit by a VW Transporter not paying attention while turning at a light. That was fun. Now I live where two or three of the most dangerous roundabouts in the country exist, so that’s fun too.