At this point, Zelenskyy is just fucking with trump, and he knows it, and trump knows he knows it, and Zelenskyy knows that trump knows it. But what other card does Zelenskyy have to play at this point?
Honestly he should just make his requests more mundane to the point of sounding like a mother lecturing her child.
Zelenskyy urges trump to wear a winter coat. It’s cold out there, baby!
And that way, trump can’t try to pass it off as Zelenskyy being a tyrant, or a dictator. Or any of the other bullshit he’d do.
Zelenskyy urges trump to check his fly. Ha-ha, made you look!
There’s no such thing as coming to trump as a rrspectable man and be treated as a respectable man. That’s not how trump works. The way trump thinks is that everybody bows down to him, and those that don’t kiss the ring are doomed to face the wrath.
Whereas Zelenskyy is a respectable man, and is trying to act as such. But having a backbone clashes with trumps agenda.
At this point, Zelenskyy is just fucking with trump, and he knows it, and trump knows he knows it, and Zelenskyy knows that trump knows it. But what other card does Zelenskyy have to play at this point?
Honestly he should just make his requests more mundane to the point of sounding like a mother lecturing her child.
And that way, trump can’t try to pass it off as Zelenskyy being a tyrant, or a dictator. Or any of the other bullshit he’d do.
There’s no such thing as coming to trump as a rrspectable man and be treated as a respectable man. That’s not how trump works. The way trump thinks is that everybody bows down to him, and those that don’t kiss the ring are doomed to face the wrath.
Whereas Zelenskyy is a respectable man, and is trying to act as such. But having a backbone clashes with trumps agenda.