Hi! I’m newer to the Fediverse and brand new to Beehive. I’ve used Reddit for years, but I’m seeking greener shores as big tech has gotten real weird.
When I’m not reading, attempting to be a guitarist or fooling with fountain pens, I like to paint my nails! Do I color in the lines? No. Do I do a perfect job? Also no. But I pick fun colors and always, always, always add glitter. Did you color your nails? I wanna see!
(Side bar, I low-key wish the Fediverse had more places to beauty inspo. Let’s see pretty nails, hair and outfits, please!)
My nails are purple. They’re pretty fucked tho, I was planning to remove it yesterday but I forgot. I’m AMAB and started painting my nails like 2 years ago. I expected people to be rude about it, but honestly I’ve mostly just gotten completes, well-meaning questions, and friendly jokes.
Honestly, I feel that unless nails are noticeably missing chunks, it’s never that bad! Purple is rad!