My sister Lena (14F) used to be friends with and is in some friend group with a sporty girl named Ashlyn (14F). She is essentially what the teens call a “pick me girl”, or someone who puts other women down to gain attention from men.

She’s nice to people she doesn’t know. She’s nice to guys. She’s nice to the teachers, and even nice to the few girls she genuinely likes in her friend group. But every other girl? Hell nah. She thinks she’s more masculine, likable, and better at sports than every other girl and has successfully convinced her friends that her rudeness is just “a joke”, but I know damn well it isn’t.

She seems to be well-liked in the school despite not liking anyone but a few people because she doesn’t show her true colors. She also has a completely different demeanor in public than when they’re alone, and as I stated, is a very manipulative and self-centered person.

When she’s around others, she’ll be pretty nice or normal towards Lena, and like I said, played it off as a joke the few times she showed her true self in public, then said “It’s not your fault, Lena”. When they’re alone, however, she acts the same way as the friend group does when Ashlyn’s around: dry, distant, monotone, etc.

Ashlyn asks Lena to do her favors but hasn’t done ANYTHING for Lena. Whenever Lena asks her a question or tells her something, she just says “Mhm/K/Cool” or nods/gives a thumbs up without making eye contact. She then told Lena she doesn’t care about what she has to say, never has, never will care about her, and doesn’t care about anyone or anything. And it’s pretty odd that she wants Lena of all people to know that.

Ashlyn also believes she’s entitled to girls’ boyfriends and tries to steal them from the girls. Lena’s male friend tried to excuse her behavior and say “She’s just having a bad day/People don’t like it when they’re asked questions or others talk about their achievements”. Number 1: A bad day consistently for years?? Even so, it’s not an excuse. Number 2: Most people will congratulate you, they don’t behave like this. And most people don’t like when they’re asked PERSONAL questions, not just innocent ones.

I know she’s 10 years younger than me (I’m 24) but I don’t like her either.

    6 days ago

    She’s highly abusive, ableist, and tries to convince my sister everyone hates her to manipulate her into either feeling bad about herself or so she’ll have no friends except Ashlyn.

    She says she hates Lena but wants to talk to her all the time. She blows up at Lena for petty stuff because of “her mental illness” but hates Lena for having mental illnesses. And her friends think this behavior is OK. They’re so badly abused by her they think it’s okay.

    She called Lena a pervert and a creep for trying to make conversation w her.