I cant have TV or music in the background but I always have fans and a white noise machine going in my room. Anything with voices, though, distract me to much.
If i don’t have something in the background that i find a minimum interesting i space out from what i need to do too often and time disapears.
There’s got to be two kinds of ADHD. One where you need background noise, one where you hate it. I fit into the second category.
I’ve not been in silence for decades. Can’t even sleep without something on.
Me too. Thanks to tinnitus, I haven’t experienced silence for decades. Best I can do is drown it out with some pink or brown noise.
I oscillate between these.
Thankfully the whir of the engines on the Enterprise give a happy medium.
i can’t stand silence, it gives me anxiety. it doesn’t have to be tv, but something has to make some sound
something has to make some sound
Have you tried tinnitus? 0/10, would not recommend.
please make it stop
huh, sounds a lot like my mom. I wonder if she’s undiagnosed
possible, though I’m not diagnosed either because it’s a kinda difficult and long process and I don’t feel like starting it today, but definitely tomorrow maybe.
Honestly extremely true as a diagnosed ADHDer. I would go nuts without background noise, I didn’t even realize my sheer need for stuff in the background until I got medicated and suddenly could sit in silence for hours and hours doing work, and even found it preferable, even having background music is distracting.
If I don’t have background noise how can I focus on what I’m going to be distracted from?