Yeah, bees are controversial, but let’s talk about the vegans who actually eat meat

Aboriginal Australians have been hunting kangaroos for 60,000 years, and the kangaroos have adapted. Modern kangaroos tend to overpopulate and overgraze, destroying grasslands that are used as crucial habitats for threatened indigenous species. Kangaroos need to be culled to protect the environment.

All kangaroo meat comes from wild kangaroos. Hunting quotas are managed by the government based on aerial population surveys. When hunting quotas aren’t met, the remaining kangaroos have to be culled, and their meat rots in ditches and mass graves instead of being eaten.

Come on vegans, let’s get toxic. I wanna see some pro-kangatarian vegans being called murderers over this.

  • Ильдар
    13 days ago

    Только сегодня вспоминали как мы ели кенгурятину, и она довольно специфична, не похожа на другое мясо В девяностые и начале двухтысячных ее много поставляли в Россию