Mmmm them thars sum o dem gudol Christian values
I’m not a Christian but man this Trump guy keeps matching what revelations said the anti christ would be so well that I might look into the religion if it wasn’t oppressing me and I wasn’t already happy with my gods
Now I don’t believe a word of the Bible, but this guy checks off so many anti-Christ boxes it’s getting harder and harder to see how the people who do believe that stuff don’t see it.
My wife sent me a great article on this that was originally written in 2019 but is now even more relevant. I thought it was a fun read at first but as I kept going it started to actually unsettle me a bit
Wow that was a wild ride
For the party that’s anti-gay… gotta say this is pretty gay
Wake up babe, new Gävlebocken just dropped. 🔥
Does it make all the sheep say “BAA-L”?
Baal was a storm god who brought rain and life to the land. Yahweh is the war god that brought genocide.
Trump is literally the Anti-Christ, he takes Christians away from Christ and thinks it’s funny.
I actually read a report somewhere that said Christians were having to choice between their Churches and Trump… and they choose Trump
Naaahh, this has to be an the onion article
Is crazy that it’s true apparently. I find it incredulous that this isn’t an intentional subversion?
“We love you Trump!”, covered in Trump dollars, as a false idol to money / Satan / the antichrist… All notionally to draw attention and protect trafficed and abused children?! The guy who joked about his good friend Jeffery liking the “on the younger side”? And regularly visited Pedo island?! Surely its trolling!?!
Or not. Sadly, that is a real possibility.
(just to clarify, I don’t think goats are satanic, they’re delightful. But the cultural connotations are what they are…)
There’s nothing satanic about goats because Satan (or god, or God’s for that matter) doesn’t exist. It’s all a cop out, a cheap excuse to either explain a disaster or “oops, I polluted your backyard and now your children are dying? God works in mysterious ways!”
I bet your literature teacher loved you
I haven’t watched The Ten Commandments in a long while so please help me remember. Wasn’t worshipping a false idol considered a BAD thing?
I think there is literally a story in the bible where someone puts a golden goat in his garden or wherever and then gets punished by god
Edit: It was a golden calf
Any true Christian would know this story. You’re either not Christian, or Evangelical Christian.
Born and raised in fundamentalist evangelical Christianity. The vast majority of evangelicals will know the story of Moses and the golden calf.
A significant minority of evangelicals actually regularly study the Bible. (I used to be one of them.) They tend to be the core of the membership and teach classes and have leadership positions. See Mike Johnson for an example.
The level of internal propaganda is wild. To be able to maintain that faith while regularly studying the Bible takes a lot of willing suspension of disbelief. Basically, they live in a bubble where they self-censor incoming information.
Something like the ex-mormon CES Letter is needed for the evangelicals. Homeschooling also needs to have required curriculum to give children logical tools.
Conservative cultural christians are a different problem and probably what you’re actually thinking of. They’re useful idiots for the far right as well as the evangelicals. They really don’t know much about the Bible or denominations around them and tend to believe what they were told last by far right media or their smart uncle who’s into conspiracy theories and shit. Political and religious outrage as entertainment.
What a wonderful and illuminating reply to my snarky sarcasm! Thank you! That’s all very interesting.
Congrats, you officially know more about the Bible than most so called Christians!
I kind of want a compilation of all the signs about the false prophet and trump next to each other.
In any other world, I would say they’re mocking their own followers.
But no, in the world we live in, the Trumps and their followers really are this stupid they don’t see the blatant violation of the Biblical ban on idolatry in the thing that could literally serve as a counterpart to the Golden Calf if the Old Testament were adapted to modern times.
Ya know, maybe the Bible is right and god is real, because there’s no way someone comes this close to exactly what it describes as the Anti-Christ without actually being evil.
How much more anti-christy can this guy get?