I grew up listening to fundie christian parents babble at length how we were living in end times. And mocking them mercilessly (at first among my fiends, later to their faces) as often as possible.
Now look at us - on the brink of non-existence politically, environmentally, and civilizationally. Not sure that last one is a word.
If they were right I’m gonna have some 'splainin to do.
My denomination took that to it’s logical conclusion, that salvation is for everyone irrespective of their religious views.
So if someone doesn’t want to be with God, then they will be forced to be with Him? Does that mean Hitler is in heaven?
Pretty much, yeah.
Do you have any biblical backing for this viewpoint?
John 3:16. Salvation is by grace, not by works.
John 3:16 makes it clear that it’s “whoever believes in Him”