I have depression so like half my memories haunt me and the other half i can’t remember
Tons. Most of them selfinflicted.
Were growing, were learning, were just people, it’s all good.
All past tense until the end statement, did you do something to that guy?
I’m the one haunting him… boo!
I tend to not bother much with my past and what may have happened to me personally—a few bad stuff happened to kid-me but I decided long ago they were not worth wasting the remaining of my life ruminating over them or on how unfair the world can be, that I’m fine to say.
I’m much more interested in our history, as I’m interested by our future (can’t get one without the other) ;)
Na, I don’t dwell on the past.
Yes, but no way I’m sharing them.
You can have one of mine. I just remember going out for band and being really excited about it. Learning hot cross buns on the clarinet. Being really sick the day of my first recietal but playing anyway. Then I miss a practice. Then I miss another practice. At this point I’m ashamed.
Then one day the band teacher, who I assume was a pretty good dude, coming by and getting my attention through the window of the classroom door. Making eye contact with me and miming playing an instrument and just me shaking my head “no.”