I came across a post on Reddit showing Mussolini at the end of his career, specifically him hanged from his ankles in the Piazzale Loreto. I left a comment, “we didn’t get the chance to do this with Hitler, but we should make this traditional.” Yes, not the most benign comment, but far “threatening violence or physical harm,” at least I think so. A bot must have come across that and thought “beep boop,” because suddenly my account was permanently banned. It’s honestly insulting that a human took no part in this process.
I was banned by a bot for threatening violence… against myself. I merely said “it’s comforting to me that if things ever get bad enough I can just blow my brains out.” Now a moderator did unban me when I appealed, but it’s like you say… insulting that bots are banning without human review in the first place.
Anyways, I decided to leave Reddit for good this time and left on a final post saying I hope He Who Shall Not Be Named inspires more bloodshed of terrible people ruining the world to line their own pockets. That’ll probably get the account permabanned. Good riddance.
FFS that’s ridiculous. If you’d said that was all you were banned for a few months ago I’d have thought you were lying. But that ban is standard now.
I hope that you’re not feeling genuinely suicidal currently. I’ve had to explain to people in the past that having a “way out” can be comforting enough to keep depressed folks from being suicidal, but if it ever gets to be too much, I’m here for you. You can shoot me a DM.
Thank you, that’s kind. I promised my family I wouldn’t ever do that to them, and I intend to keep that promise unless it’s a pretty extreme condition like the painful end stages of a terminal illness or apocalyptic scenario. The thought of them getting that visit from the police and putting them through that grief is too much.
Well I’m glad you have a good reason not to! But if it gets difficult, I’ll be here. ♥