Reddit decided that i can’t delete my account, i tried several times with no luck. Do you have ideas? Should i get myself banned?
If anyone is considering the same don’t forget to use shreddit first.
See if you can sell it then lol
56k + karma up for grabs hit me … where’s that polish chick with the dab rig
Just stop going there. Delete the app, delete the bookmark, and move on with your life.
Yeah I deleted the app and the shortcut on the top of my browser and I dont get the urge anymore
Back when the Apollo app stopped working I never again used Reddit. I don’t even remember how to login and it was a throwaway forwarding email so my 8 year account died with Apollo.
“Oh no. Our automatic door seems to have suffered a unfortunate malfunction while you were trying to leave the premises.”
Make a comment saying „Luigi is good“ or something like that, that should get rid of your Reddit account.
Eff you, Reddit
I’ve been trying to delete my Facebook for years
Are people really having trouble with it? I did it several years ago. I recall it being a fairly easy process.
I’m gonna see if that link from the other comment works, but I’ve tried a few times and the page to delete your account mysteriously would never load for me.
Just send a GDPR deletion request. You can find ready made texts online. Just plug in your email/username and send it. Make sure to request a confirmation of the deletion.
Wouldn’t that require an EU citizenship/ residence? I always assumed that was the case…
What happens when you click learn more?
You learn that reddit support is a shithole and when you eventually reach the faq for deleting your accout, reddit says 🖕
I believe you’re then obligated to deploy to Klendathu within 3 months.
But it’s an ugly planet! A bug planet! I don’t wanna!
Try using the site?
Yey, that worked! Thanks man!
There was a browser add-on that removes or edits all your Reddit messages. Can’t recall the name though.
I remember it using the API, which is supposedly disabled now. There are warnings on early Lemmy posts to use the tool before Reddit rolls out the changes.
This doesn’t work anymore they shut down the api , if your in a gdpr country just enforce your right.
Hypothetically, if you live in
freedomburger land could you use a VPN and claim gdpr enforcement? Or is there more to it?Gdpr only applies to EU citizens. But your account is anonymous. How would they know you’re not?
The add-on, called “Nuke Reddit History,” no longer uses the API, just good ol’ fashioned JavaScript.
It takes a bit longer, but it does the job.
Nice ill check it out.
It works.
Whether it works on the back end and they’ll restore your comments or not as a different story.
I believe it might have been called Power Delete Suite
So when I deleted my account a few years back, i hade a Firefox script delete all my posts and comments.
Then i created a ticket for support asking to apply my right to be forgotten, according tomy GDPR rights and also a written confirmation that my content would not be recreated after deletion.
They will play hard but just say that you then will need their official information such as conpony name, adress, phone number, email, reg number and preferred communication method for your local data authority to contact them.
They complied with my request without any fuss. I didn’t even have access to my account due to losing my 2fa device.
I wonder if one could use a Euro VPN provider to say that they’ve moved to a GDPR country to affect this outcome by having a Euro IP. It might work.
That’s funny. I live in a small country so I can’t stop being banned. All I have to do is comment “hey” and my account is gone instantly.
why? does reddit just assume any and all traffic from your country is VPN traffic?
I think we can all agree, Nutsack is being falsely maligned.
it’s not just Reddit. it’s more websites every year.
I’ve worked as a sysadmin at companies who have done it. they blacklist an ASN which covers an entire ISP, or they just straight up ban the entire country. it’s the easiest way to get rid of a few kids running penetration scans against the site or whatever. they don’t get much revenue from the users in these countries and so they don’t care. access to the collective knowledge of humanity is always getting smaller in developing countries.
wow that’s so shitty holy heck. i hope none of those websites are essential, or if they are that you find a free and working VNP
Do it on the desktop website, their mobile stuff is broken beyond repair.
Try the website, in particular.