What a gross lady.
What a gross lady.
Feels like we’re watching fascism in real time. I worry for our future.
Dickbag Zuckerfuck can suck my dick. Fuck all Meta platforms.
Sounds like a badass config. I would have got something with 2.5Gb ethernet, but you could add that via usb-c if needed.
“Listen, we might run our entire company on this platform, but that doesn’t mean we respect it.”
What, you think a founder who is riding the dick of a fascist coincidentally made a bunch of bad moves? /s
Listen, if you want free software, you’re an enemy of capitalism, traitor.
/s goddamnit, I hate that I have to be explicit about it. Learn to read internet posts.
Yes, so what?
Who the fuck cares? They’re all doing this.
We can’t have trains because Elon is going to build some stupid underground shit. Wait, he didn’t do that.
I think this is a great idea. After all, we have missile attacks on our nation all the fucking time. Wait…
Also, the “iron dome” only works because there’s a very limited area that it protects. Israel: 8,630 square miles. USA: 3,809,525 square miles. Wait… changed my mind again. This is a great idea! Go orange man. Muricah. BOOM!
Look at all he can get done with executive orders. Remember when we were asking Biden to do the same? Oh well, not like our sham supreme court would let that stand.
Zionist: “Just a little more genocide, mmkay?”
Zionists are the mirror-image of nazis. They have the same goals, just different targets.
Depends. If you buy food there, a diff grocery chain or solo shop (which will cost more but may have better produce). If clothes, department stores if your community still has them; a lot of them have closed with the death of malls. For electronics, Best Buy. For house stuff, I guess that depends on what’s nearby.
There’s something they say in recovery (sobriety) programs about alcohol and coffee: the only result is a wide-awake drunk.
Same age, buying a Freddy glove for Halloween, asked my dad if we could rent it and he said yes. I was scared when the boyfriend pranked them in the backyard, but I thought the scene where she got cut to shreds and floated was awesome. I wanted to rewind and see it again and this time Dad said no. Wisely.
Black coffee at dinner. I see you’ve determined that I don’t need sleep.
Teaching your children to think for themselves? We’ll have none of that here!
Good for you. Socratic method.
As a pedantic lover of the written word, I sense your pain.
Hype bubble. Has potential, but nothing like what is promised.