A problem here is that the democrats don’t believe that separating Trump from his base is a pipe dream. They seem to believe it’s achievable by simply adopting Republican policy. As someone who’s spent most of their working life around Republicans, this is would be a laughable idea if it wasn’t so embarrassingly naive. There’s already DNC staff, strategists, and future presidential candidates talking about how the problem is they’re just too radically far left and they really need to move right to recapture the middle-right. Hey, maybe this time they’ll convince a whole 0.5% of Republican voters to vote for them instead of 0.3%! I mean, sure, they could motivate their base to show up for something and get way better margins, but then they’d have to make promises and try to keep them, and becoming yesterday’s GOP is just so much easier and appealing to their good billionaires.
Of course, now that I say that, I should clarify that not all dedicated Republicans are dribbling monarchists who have the approximate civic participation and awareness of serfs.
Imo, there’s no difference between the ones that go “okay, but I agree under protest” and the ones that urgently push for monarchism. The outcome is the same, the former is just sharing that they lack the conviction to stand for their principles.
As someone who has spoken up numerous times about how “DEMS BAD” is a cop-out, the reason why we ‘waste our time’ focusing on the Dems is because
is a fucking pipe-dream.
Trump could - and in his last administration, literally did - kill their loved ones and they would thank him for it.
The Trump ‘base’?
They’re monarchists.
If only the king knew about the decrees he’s been writing and signing and haranguing us to obey.
If only the king knew…
A problem here is that the democrats don’t believe that separating Trump from his base is a pipe dream. They seem to believe it’s achievable by simply adopting Republican policy. As someone who’s spent most of their working life around Republicans, this is would be a laughable idea if it wasn’t so embarrassingly naive. There’s already DNC staff, strategists, and future presidential candidates talking about how the problem is they’re just too radically far left and they really need to move right to recapture the middle-right. Hey, maybe this time they’ll convince a whole 0.5% of Republican voters to vote for them instead of 0.3%! I mean, sure, they could motivate their base to show up for something and get way better margins, but then they’d have to make promises and try to keep them, and becoming yesterday’s GOP is just so much easier and appealing to their good billionaires.
I think it’s more that democratic leadership desperately want to adopt more conservative policies and will use any excuse to do so.
Of course, now that I say that, I should clarify that not all dedicated Republicans are dribbling monarchists who have the approximate civic participation and awareness of serfs.
Some, of course, are outright fascists.
Imo, there’s no difference between the ones that go “okay, but I agree under protest” and the ones that urgently push for monarchism. The outcome is the same, the former is just sharing that they lack the conviction to stand for their principles.