It’s also one of the few ways to make money available to them that has a chance of making them enough money to live the way their grandparents did. Certainly the easiest to get into.
It’s also one of the few ways to make money available to them that has a chance of making them enough money to live the way their grandparents did. Certainly the easiest to get into.
I kind of miss having a three handed controller. I never know what to do with the extra now.
Bringing back manifest destiny but facing north this time.
That’s because the shutdown hardly exists anymore. When you choose shutdown now it just hibernates. Reboot is the only way to get the full refresh of a shutdown unless you’re using CMD.
Wow, that was even worse than I thought. You truly cannot parse context. I’m so sorry for making fun of your disability.
Dirty little secret they don’t want to admit is 2A was for the military. Not meal team six.
Your reading comprehension issues do not speak well to your advisory abilities.
Depends on your TV. If it’s software is android based, there are aps available if you don’t mind sideloading. Though I would recommend using something like a firestick to minimize the risk.
Our Overton window has been sprinting right for 40 years at least. Our left wing is now just conservatives that don’t hate people.
Advice you yourself seem determined to ignore.
If you have enough in it to live comfortably, it’s not better than rolling your own and paying at the capital gains rate. To actually save you better really like tuna fish sandwiches.
Hey now, the Pinto at least had to be in an accident first before it would blow up.
It’s more likely to be out of work security guards in their police cosplay.
At this point ad blocking is more about security and optimization than stopping ads themselves. If a site wants to run some banner ads to pay for costs, I have nothing against it, but once Javascript is involved, that just becomes a vulnerability for attack.
Also, websites that bury their content in layers of overlay and popup ads with loud audio and several unrelated videos can go fuck themselves.
Because they are at the end of their growth phase and have entered their squeeze until dead phase.
401k is a scam that was used to help kill pensions. The only reason to use one if your job locks part of your pay behind matching some of your contributions.
Even the tax savings is a lie. It’s just a deferment and you pay the full income tax rate on it when you are eventually forced to withdrawal it. Even on the gains if you’re lucky enough to be up when you need it.
I think it’s more that democratic leadership desperately want to adopt more conservative policies and will use any excuse to do so.
The biggest risk would be IoT devices.
Plus the one time it didn’t abjectly fail, it took a worldwide pandemic and mass death to happen. Their hubris is at a legendary level.
Not reusing words isn’t the same as not repeating itself. Especially if it’s been given a minimum word count, it will often restate the same information in different ways to fill space.
Of course, this can happen with actual writers as well. That’s why editors used to exist.