It seems the coaster is supposed to be 500m high at it’s peak. The tallest coaster in the world is 112m high (with a planned one almost 200m high). Might need some engineers on our project if we are going to reach 500m.
I’m not a roller coaster engineer but I’m pretty sure we could achieve the same speed that starting at 500m would give us by adding magnetic launchers for the entire first drop.
Theoretical? Fuck, I wanted to buy a ticket.
It seems the coaster is supposed to be 500m high at it’s peak. The tallest coaster in the world is 112m high (with a planned one almost 200m high). Might need some engineers on our project if we are going to reach 500m.
I’m not a roller coaster engineer but I’m pretty sure we could achieve the same speed that starting at 500m would give us by adding magnetic launchers for the entire first drop.
just drop me from 500m and I’m sure the result would be the same. heck, 100m