Are there any good places (sublemmys?) for warhammer AoS specifially?
@aneirin nice squigs!
Couldn’t look at these guys the same way after reading Gloomspite. Fuckers are terrifying. Great job though! For The bad Moon!
Those. Johnny those aren’t lemmings. Oh God Johnny what did you bring home!?
Just to add to the other comment, we just call them communities here (or comms sometimes for short).
The minis look great BTW!
You call a group of toothy monsters a community? Actually that checks out.
Squigs are fun to paint. Well done
Welcome, nice work!
These are really cool!
Now I want to pet them.
These look terrifying I love it
Which one is Princess?
The one in the back having a snack.
Welcome! Glad to see more exoduses from the corpo socials.
Squigs look great my dude 👍👌
When a squig takes a giant bite with that ginormous mouth, where does it go? The thing’s digestive system must extend into another dimension.
My headcanon is that they don’t even have a digestive system at all, which means they can’t properly eat anything and they’re always hungry which is why they’re so angry.
Lovely squigs. I suppose it’s Warhammer so they probably aren’t smiling any time soon.
Communities, or comms
I’ve no idea what these are aside from really well done minis! I love the grime in the gums.