Just don’t be using wild white sage!
Now smoke it.
I think I used one of those just to get through February
Sage is fucking rad.
Mild and pallatable incense
Rituals to appease the cthonic lakota gods of stench, serpents, and underwater while fishing
Rituals of praise to the gods of thundering hooves and rain
Can be used as toilet paper
- Smoke it and trip absolute balls
Thays not how sage works.
Yeah, it won’t make you high but it is lovely to smoke.
Salvia divinorum is a type of sage though!
Use one once per day?
Sounds about right.
It’ll do but the USA and Russia need 5 of those -each- and add two of those for Israel.
What about the parsley, rosemary and thyme?
Now you got a stew going, just need some potatoes.
Action Jackson, I have a big boy crush on you now.
You have to go to Scarborough if you want all of them.
Maybe I can go during the fair.
Just dont mention me to anyone who lives there, capeesh?