Oh no. Not stroganoff again.
Thanks for posting though. I will be watching this.
Oh no. Not stroganoff again.
Thanks for posting though. I will be watching this.
Have you considered releasing banana peels from below the car?
As I’ve said before: All hail Azathoth!
Kind of surprised it hasn’t been done before. Looks like a pretty easy synthesis, especially with the ribose stereochemistry being the way it is.
The aryl portion also doesn’t seem too complicated.
Haha. Nice one (pun). No worries.
I thought tyre was European. I usually see tire in north America.
Yes. Exactly haha. I hate the yelling in the video. But the “daddy chill” is worth it. They say it so calmly. Everyone should speak like that.
Awesome, thanks for the reply.
What the fuck is even that?
I’d guess active yeast (as another commenter mentioned) maybe a slight temperature spike? Possibly a finer grain milling?
I don’t have too much experience on the homebrew scale, but would be interested to hear what it was (if you can determine it).
Better get the big tub of petroleum jelly.