“Errors” fuck this headline and whoever called it errors. It’s lies and propaganda. A thin veneer to cover up the fact that they’re stealing all the tax revenue for the billionaire oligarchs instead of spending it on tax payers.
It’s this reason I’ve been a staunch critic of NYTimes since 2016 when it was clear they were helping Trump.
I stumbled upon a youtube short by nytimes yesterday which showed that DOGEs 5 biggest points where basically fake and that some “savings” go back to contracts that were discontinued in the Bush Administration. Maybe I can find it again.
“Errors” fuck this headline and whoever called it errors. It’s lies and propaganda. A thin veneer to cover up the fact that they’re stealing all the tax revenue for the billionaire oligarchs instead of spending it on tax payers.
It’s this reason I’ve been a staunch critic of NYTimes since 2016 when it was clear they were helping Trump.
I stumbled upon a youtube short by nytimes yesterday which showed that DOGEs 5 biggest points where basically fake and that some “savings” go back to contracts that were discontinued in the Bush Administration. Maybe I can find it again.
Yeah I’d be interested in seeing that.
Found it. https://youtube.com/shorts/6L1AYL6oxlU
Thank you!
For profit news is trash. We need more non-profits like Pro-Publica.
seconded. big fan of pro publica right now. actually digging into the roots of corruption and abuse of power.
Thats what I think is going on, they created a barn fire and while people are putting it out the bad guys are making off with the cattle.
I have no idea where I came up with this analogy …