Yes police in east germany has big nazi problems. Doesnt mean all are nazis -.-
They are in riot gears for their own protection. Especially after the happenings of last few months where people started driving into crows
While yes often there is racial profiling with police stops there is no such thing as higher stops for “looking left wing” and that they then are abusive to you
You are putting in all people under one blanket. You know who also does that? Racists, nazis, homophobes aso.
Your argument is:
Japan has nazis: all japanese are nazis
There are nazis that play video games: all that play video games are nazis
There are nazi Programmers: all nazi programmers are nazis.
Little tip:
There are also nazi woman! Guess all woman are nazis hmm?
Maybe instead of generalising, focus on the individuals, on the nazis not on those that dont do these adhorent crimes
I don’t think Saleh is saying anything about all police being this way.
But the fact that any of them are like this, and that there are enough of them like this, is a genuine problem for the well-being of regular people.
This isn’t an all-or-nothing situation. We can recognize that there are a significant number of police using violence to accomplish political ends without having to make a disclaimer about not all individual police being this way, because there are clearly enough of them behaving this way that there is real cause for concern.
It is a big problem. I fully agree. A police in saxony had the german empire eagle stiched in the car seats. It is a problem, a huge problem.
Though this isnt because the police is inherently nazis, like its being put here and constantly yelled with ACAB.
I can say myself, having worked with the police in my city, Augsburg, and having had many encounters with them, these people do not represent the police all over.
Clear distinction is key. If one puts innocent people in the same pot as normal people you aggrovate them and push them into this problem group, thus making this problem even bigger.
One should never dehumanise. Never create this “us vs them” mentality". Doing this, you dont fight the problem, you radicalise yourself and this is a path that quickly only brings distruction.
That’s true but the centerism of pretending that systemic behavior is the doing of a few black sheep also doesn’t help to stop and make changes. Look at the West Bank, for years the European countries gave a free hand to Israel “oh but it is just a few settlers, Israelis want peace” and today? The whole places is riddled with colonies, stealing Palestinian land and making their lives unliveable. So yeah sure not all police are Nazis but when they behave like some or execute fascist laws then they are no better than the brown shirts of old.
London police stood up when a peaceful protest came under fire by politicians and upheld the citizens’ right to protest. That’s how police should behave, as the ultimate keeper of our rights, not to tear them away.
As i said it is epidemic and it is systematically protected. Does not mean “all of them”. As an institution it is deeply riddled with these problems.
As for higher stops for “looking left wing” there was this thing in 2023 where police demanded the train conductors to report people with dreadlocks or “looking politically non-conformative” (“alternatives aussehen”).
Police wearing Riot gear and escalating left wing demonstrations also has nothing to do with cars driving into crowds. it is not a recent event. Just put “police violence berlin” or “police violence germany” into your search engine and you will find many examples. Here you can see police officers in full riot gear throwing women to the ground last summer, despite them evidently not posing any threat to anyone. Here you can see two police officers torturing a detained climate activist in 2023 despite there being no threat from him or anyone around whatsoever. Note how you can hear the snap of his wrist. I could not find any article regarding the officers to have faced any consequences.
All of this would not be a problem if the “individuals” that act in such a way would face consequences. Instead they are protected by their colleagues and the institution at large, which makes them complicit.
Sorry, to me their argument was the police are nazis, not all Germans. ACAB referrs to the institution, as yes there are there can’t be good people being police, as they are corrupted, or forced out.
I wasnt a cop. I worked with them in the terms of cases that i was a witness plus did some IT work under contract. Not everyone that works for the police is a cop.
And yes i speak out against the wrong doing of everyone!
I went into politics to bring change! I am holding demonstrations and organize them. Against homophobia, transphobia, against the AfD, left extremists, against the actions the CDU does, against russia, that the police should not be the once investigating the cases that were done by them and that their body cams need to be on when ever out in uniform and more
What have you done so faar?
Edit: you said everyone in there is corrupt. No matter if they cant speak out because they cant afford to lose the job, no matter if they speak out but cant change it because they are a single office worker in the police. No you said all are corrupt
So you were part of the support structure. Gotcha. The institution of the police is corrupt, it doesn’t have to be, it could be changed, however as it stands policing is authoritarian.
You said “all police are nazi”
I was part of the police. I am starting to think you dont understand fully that there are more than just americans out on the internet, nore that you understand how the police works
If i said that in my deleted comment I apologize, I didn’t typed before thinking about what I was saying. ACAB means the police are inherently corrupt, it’s built into the system, they oppress those not of the ruling class, they defend them. They beat protestors. If you were employed by the police, as they exist, then yes you were part of the system, maybe you were trying to affect change, good for you. You are missing the Forrest for the trees here. All men are assholes is a true statement, even when “not all men”. I am not American, I understand how police work.
Not answering on the ‘all nazis’ point that just seems to be a wide misunderstanding and was already answered by others.
On the ‘left wing’ profiling though, I do think that there definitely exists something of the kind, at least in France. I experienced it multiple times, when being controlled on the streets. Each time, only people arrested were ‘alternative’ people (like with a punk look, tracksuits, looking homeless, or just fucked up clothes and long hairs like me). Most of us where white. And all people around with nice clothes and huge baggages were not even looked at. Maybe you don’t see this as ‘left wing’ but that is kinda the only concept i see that could encompass all those groups.
And of course it is not such a problem as racial profiling, in impact on people and society as well as in numbers, but I really do think it exists.
Hi german here
Yes police in east germany has big nazi problems. Doesnt mean all are nazis -.-
They are in riot gears for their own protection. Especially after the happenings of last few months where people started driving into crows
While yes often there is racial profiling with police stops there is no such thing as higher stops for “looking left wing” and that they then are abusive to you
You are putting in all people under one blanket. You know who also does that? Racists, nazis, homophobes aso. Your argument is: Japan has nazis: all japanese are nazis There are nazis that play video games: all that play video games are nazis There are nazi Programmers: all nazi programmers are nazis. Little tip: There are also nazi woman! Guess all woman are nazis hmm?
Maybe instead of generalising, focus on the individuals, on the nazis not on those that dont do these adhorent crimes
I don’t think Saleh is saying anything about all police being this way.
But the fact that any of them are like this, and that there are enough of them like this, is a genuine problem for the well-being of regular people.
This isn’t an all-or-nothing situation. We can recognize that there are a significant number of police using violence to accomplish political ends without having to make a disclaimer about not all individual police being this way, because there are clearly enough of them behaving this way that there is real cause for concern.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Clearly enought haha yeah…yeah…21%…
It is a big problem. I fully agree. A police in saxony had the german empire eagle stiched in the car seats. It is a problem, a huge problem.
Though this isnt because the police is inherently nazis, like its being put here and constantly yelled with ACAB. I can say myself, having worked with the police in my city, Augsburg, and having had many encounters with them, these people do not represent the police all over.
Clear distinction is key. If one puts innocent people in the same pot as normal people you aggrovate them and push them into this problem group, thus making this problem even bigger. One should never dehumanise. Never create this “us vs them” mentality". Doing this, you dont fight the problem, you radicalise yourself and this is a path that quickly only brings distruction.
That’s true but the centerism of pretending that systemic behavior is the doing of a few black sheep also doesn’t help to stop and make changes. Look at the West Bank, for years the European countries gave a free hand to Israel “oh but it is just a few settlers, Israelis want peace” and today? The whole places is riddled with colonies, stealing Palestinian land and making their lives unliveable. So yeah sure not all police are Nazis but when they behave like some or execute fascist laws then they are no better than the brown shirts of old. London police stood up when a peaceful protest came under fire by politicians and upheld the citizens’ right to protest. That’s how police should behave, as the ultimate keeper of our rights, not to tear them away.
As i said it is epidemic and it is systematically protected. Does not mean “all of them”. As an institution it is deeply riddled with these problems.
As for higher stops for “looking left wing” there was this thing in 2023 where police demanded the train conductors to report people with dreadlocks or “looking politically non-conformative” (“alternatives aussehen”).
Police wearing Riot gear and escalating left wing demonstrations also has nothing to do with cars driving into crowds. it is not a recent event. Just put “police violence berlin” or “police violence germany” into your search engine and you will find many examples. Here you can see police officers in full riot gear throwing women to the ground last summer, despite them evidently not posing any threat to anyone. Here you can see two police officers torturing a detained climate activist in 2023 despite there being no threat from him or anyone around whatsoever. Note how you can hear the snap of his wrist. I could not find any article regarding the officers to have faced any consequences.
All of this would not be a problem if the “individuals” that act in such a way would face consequences. Instead they are protected by their colleagues and the institution at large, which makes them complicit.
Sorry, to me their argument was the police are nazis, not all Germans. ACAB referrs to the institution, as yes there are there can’t be good people being police, as they are corrupted, or forced out.
So since i worked with the police, i am inherently corrupt and a bad person?
Did you actively speak out about police brutally and oppression? Did you effect change of the systematic injustices the police department commits?
I wasnt a cop. I worked with them in the terms of cases that i was a witness plus did some IT work under contract. Not everyone that works for the police is a cop. And yes i speak out against the wrong doing of everyone! I went into politics to bring change! I am holding demonstrations and organize them. Against homophobia, transphobia, against the AfD, left extremists, against the actions the CDU does, against russia, that the police should not be the once investigating the cases that were done by them and that their body cams need to be on when ever out in uniform and more
What have you done so faar?
Edit: you said everyone in there is corrupt. No matter if they cant speak out because they cant afford to lose the job, no matter if they speak out but cant change it because they are a single office worker in the police. No you said all are corrupt
Were you employed by the police?
“I did some IT stuff for them under their contract” yes, i had a contract with them
So you were part of the support structure. Gotcha. The institution of the police is corrupt, it doesn’t have to be, it could be changed, however as it stands policing is authoritarian.
Can you expand on that?
Best example: Hamburg G20
deleted by creator
You said “all police are nazi” I was part of the police. I am starting to think you dont understand fully that there are more than just americans out on the internet, nore that you understand how the police works
If i said that in my deleted comment I apologize, I didn’t typed before thinking about what I was saying. ACAB means the police are inherently corrupt, it’s built into the system, they oppress those not of the ruling class, they defend them. They beat protestors. If you were employed by the police, as they exist, then yes you were part of the system, maybe you were trying to affect change, good for you. You are missing the Forrest for the trees here. All men are assholes is a true statement, even when “not all men”. I am not American, I understand how police work.
deleted by creator
Not answering on the ‘all nazis’ point that just seems to be a wide misunderstanding and was already answered by others.
On the ‘left wing’ profiling though, I do think that there definitely exists something of the kind, at least in France. I experienced it multiple times, when being controlled on the streets. Each time, only people arrested were ‘alternative’ people (like with a punk look, tracksuits, looking homeless, or just fucked up clothes and long hairs like me). Most of us where white. And all people around with nice clothes and huge baggages were not even looked at. Maybe you don’t see this as ‘left wing’ but that is kinda the only concept i see that could encompass all those groups.
And of course it is not such a problem as racial profiling, in impact on people and society as well as in numbers, but I really do think it exists.