Republican administrations tank the economy when it’s business as usual.
This is the dissolution and piecemeal sale of the US Government.
Of course there is going to be a fucking recession!
isnt he excited that a economic event named after him?
This isn’t a trade war, it’s a Stupid Economic Operation.
Trump is just tracing from Pitin’s playbook.
I never would have thought I would see a military operation so poorly done on such a large scale in my life. And clown world went: “Sure we had one massive cluster fuck of an operation, but what about a second?”
Was it done poorly though? I mean the end result is that the US has become a vassal state of Russia without a nuclear fallout. Seems like an epic win to me.
I feel that it’s looking fairly likely to be more of a Trumpression.
Make Depression Great Again
Trumpocalypse even
A Trumpster fire.
I didn’t think it was humanly possible to see such a concerted effort to destroy an economy in my life. Even Hitler didn’t try to do this with Germany.
Once upon a time I couldn’t get myself to watch old 80s and 90s cartoons anymore because I felt too old and cynical for them… but now I realize that the villains on those shows have nothing on Trump and his dipshit cronies. Only they are somehow more fleshed out despite being literal cartoon villains.
It might actually go the Hitler route. He’s already made concentration camps for “illegal” human beings. It’s only a matter of time until they figure out that they are deporting a practically free workforce with no rights.
Even Hitler didn’t try to do this with Germany.
Hitler “fixed” Germany’s economy by basically borrowing a bunch of money and then attempting to destroy the people who had loaned it to him (Jewish financiers were a large source of the borrowed money, as was the Soviet Union - a little-known but majorly important part of the Ribbentrop Pact and related German-Soviet agreements).
Because the writers weren’t clueless. Trump is willfully clueless.
Trump is peak Dunning Kruger.
He is willfully and proudly ignorant. Did you see the video of him introducing Barron Trump to the world when he was a baby? He said that Barron is vicious, ruthless, violent, and maybe (hopefully) also smart. He considered the first traits to be essential to an entrepreneur but Did not consider being smart to be a positive trait.
Funny you say that since I’ve been seeing what looks like 80s GI Joe cartoon in memes about fElon and little d teaming up.
I’m sure this would have been just as bad under Kamala.
/s (cannot believe I have to add this, but…)
Yeah, no. Even if Kamala just continued whatever Biden was doing it would have been better than this.
even hillary wanted to continue obamas policies, but RACIST AND SEXIST white men do not like women, period.
Then you’re a fucking idiot.
Wait, you aren’t serious… I read your post history lol. You need a /s
Haha, of course I’m not serious, but a whole lot of bothsidering centrists and an unfortunate amount of leftists keep saying all this is the Democrats fault because they didn’t offer them a pretty, pretty pony last fall.
Looks like Sleepy Don has done it again. What happened to better economy on Day 1? Is he going to say the days so far don’t count? Let’s hear some more excuses about how Biden made the job so hard you can’t improve things by 1%. You only need to make excuses for a little less than 4 years now.
what would PRESIDENT ELON say.
If you are overall green now… sell.
He is going to make it worse.
What if you’re new to buying? Like baby steps new.
Pray to the great treasury on ferengina.
Like put it under your mattress for a bit.
Well we might be seeing the end of stocks as an investment platform so if you have money to invest maybe just save it for now.
Only if you need the funds short term, if you are a ways off from needing the funds then hold what you’ve got and start building a cash reserve to buy more shares when it’s low.
I think setting a stoploss and then just stay in/ cash out automaticly is also completely viable (as long as your trading fees of cashing out and re-enter are well covered by total earnings so far)
Taxes are another thing though.
Time in market beats timing the market. You’re never going to now when stocks are “low”. You’re just as likely to wait JUST a little too long and then end up buying when it’s higher than it is now.
If you have AVAILABLE cash now, that isn’t needed for an emergency fund, put it in the market now.
If you want to hedge your bets a bit, then just invest a smaller amount every week to distribute the buying power in case the market keeps dropping.
Trump could just announce that tariffs are dumb and he’s never doing another one tonight, and the market jumps in off hours trading. Or the market could bounce up for a couple days then crash. Or the market could stay down for the next 4 years.
It’s impossible to predict when the “buy back in” period should start, so just don’t even try.
You’re just as likely to wait JUST a little too long and then end up buying when it’s higher than it is now.
I think you’re overestimating the performance of the stock market for the next 1-4 years.
That’s exactly the point. You don’t know, I don’t know, nobody knows.
There were a lot of people that knew this crash was going to happen.
Pretending like there’s no way to know anything about the market and then dumping your hard earned money into it is such an insane Nhilist take.
Well, we can be rather certain it’s not going up over the next month, wouldn’t you agree? Not unless somehow we can re-wind international politics.
That’s what most people don’t get about investing-- there is money to be made in both market directions. The rich understand that.
Yep, when I started investing about 20 years ago I read as much as I could, one thing that always stuck with me was a Warren Buffet quote “be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful”.
That’s generally how I approach investing in stock and Bitcoin. There are exceptions of course, but that’s the general plan. This stock or whatever isn’t failing, it’s on sale.
Wellllll, we’re heading into completely uncharted territory here. No Warren Buffet wisdom has any relevance, because no one has dismantled the US government like this before. And we’re only a month in. Extrapolate one month of damage over a 4-year term… we’ve experienced 2% of a Trump/Musk term.
Yeah I would absolutely recommend selling everything now, it’s going to go much, MUCH lower. If you really want to play that game, wait until it’s all hit rock fucking bottom to buy again.
OTOH it’s likely that they’ll be trashing the value of the dollar at the same time they’re trashing the stock market. So being all cash might not be such a great plan, unless your cash is some other color than green.
IMO they are trying to tank the whole world’s economy and leave the only true wealth in the form of land, manufacturing capacity and extractable resources like fossil fuels. So I would recommend selling your stocks and buying Saudi Arabia.
Every dip is “uncharted territory”
The COVID quarantine was uncharted.
The 2008 financial crisis was uncharted.
The 1999 tech bubble was uncharted.To the market, today’s just another Tuesday.
So there’s a failsafe for these kinds of crises called “government”.
What’s currently uncharted is that we are dismantling the failsafe.
If you think any of those are in any way comparable to what’s happening now, you aren’t paying enough attention.
To each their own, I’ll stick with my method and you can do yours. We’ll just have to wait and see who’s got the right idea in this uncharted landscape.
I wish you the best of luck, not sarcastically either.
I love it!
Obamacare vs Trumpcession
Yet the Republicans will vote Trump next time around.
vote Trump next time
The implication here is quite scary.
They meant Don Jr.
Donald will be in the hyperbaric chamber attaining immortality, returning in 2032 as the Undertrump.
Thankfully, Elon has shown that whatever Trump mystique there is won’t magically transfer to someone else just because they’re associated with him.
Pun not intended. They got perfectly aged Trumps enough to continue up to 2100.
Imagine speedrunning your way into the great depression.
For billionaires it’s a “buying opportunity” though.
Gotta take advantage of rock bottom prices!
Please don’t ripple through the 3rd world.
Hey Wharton School: This is why you shouldn’t sell degrees to rich parents for their spoiled children.
there was probably a time that i wouldn’t have believed it would be possible for anyone to be as fucking stupid as any trump voter, but i don’t remember it
Thirty-three percent of Trump voters said, in their own words, they voted for him because of the “economy” or because “he is a good businessman,” a Washington Post-Schar School poll released Friday reveals.
This is from December. It’s also a good sign because these are the people that are likely to turn on him as the prices increase and unemployment jumps.
December 1964? Because as far as I remember he crashed every business he owned even in industries that were rapidly growing like gambling.
people that are likely to turn on him
i think you’re underestimating just how brainwashed these people are. just the other day there was an article about a guy who lost his dream job in govt. because doge, and he STILL couldn’t muster the gumption to say maybe trump was a fucking bad idea
Even in that quote alone there’s 1 out of 3 who regret their vote. If we extrapolate to the group who voted economically, that’s 10% of his voters. That’s way more than enough to change the election outcome next time around. Yes there many who are brutally brainwashed, perhaps most, but we don’t care about most. We care about 5-10% to change their minds. While I don’t pretend my little extrapolation here is scientific in any way, I think that’s achievable. 🥹
What could possibly go wrong when you give the most important job in the world to the most unqualified person ever?
We gave it to the most unqualified person ever… twice.
I bet we could find someone less qualified.
It just would be difficult to find one outside of a hospital or care home.
It just would be difficult to find one outside of a hospital or care home.
Hey now! Elon and Rubio are right there
Even they’ve at least experienced heath care for poor people.
Doing nothing would be more qualified than what Trump is doing.
You joke, but Texas last year had a representative missing for months. Come to find out that she was checked into a care home, still drawing paycheck.
One Source on the matter.
I mean… we can’t blame her for forgetting that she had one job after all now, can we?
We need to dispense with this notion that Trump is “unqualified.” He is very qualified for the job that he actually set out to do, and has been accomplishing it expertly.
It’s just a different job than the one you think it’s supposed to be.
Trump is overqualified to take us right into bankruptcy. He’s been here so many times! Don’t worry! Just ask for money from stupid people that have money!
Unironically, yes. You wanna know why Trump’s businesses kept going bankrupt? Because they were never meant to be sustainable in the first place. They were scams – probably fronts for Russian money laundering – and designed to have all the money extracted and then implode on purpose before law enforcement could start looking too closely.
And now he’s doing the same thing with the entire goddamn country.
I don’t believe that for one second. They’ve got a Project 2025 playbook written by some smarter people that makes them almost look competent. But they aren’t even doing that great of a job of it. The whole lot appear to be as dumb as a box of rocks from my PoV.
Consider the possibility that Trump’s real goal is to destabilize the US, destroy its democracy and civil liberties, and turn it into a Russian-style oligarchy and vassal state of Russia.
Given that assumption, what mistake has he made that detracts from that goal?
It’s a bad assumption. I could just say the same thing with the hypothesis about him being dumb.
It also ignores the fact that he’s not alone. He’s got pretty much the whole government doing the thing. But I’m sure you’ll say they’re all looking to do the same thing.
I think his only goal is his own enrichment and power. I doubt he even cares about his legacy.
What mistake has he made that detracts from that goal?
I don’t think you can name one. Prove me wrong.