independent security researcher Kevin Beaumont and other analysts see evidence that some X origin servers, which respond to web requests, weren’t properly secured behind the company’s Cloudflare DDoS protection and were publicly visible. As a result, attackers could target them directly
Melon Husk has access to the innermost systems of the US government, without oversight.
Which of the systems has he and his team of cryptobros left in the DMZ?
The blyats and Pooh have all our shit by now.
And, how much of the masses of data they’ve stolen from those systems has/will be left “somewhat less than totally secure”…
Available to the rest of the world.
Largest data breach in history, conducted in broad daylight, by some of the most untrustworthy data usurpers (AI’s, crypto’s, etc) available.
This is reminding me of Al Capone. Having alcohol wasn’t yet illegal, but selling it WAS illegal.
So he would load up his truck with barrels of alcohol, set to be properly disposed of at their destination by officials.
But wouldn’t you know it? The truck was intercepted by theifs, who robbed the truck at gunpoint. So now Capone “didn’t have” that alcohol anymore.
Well what was happening was those theifs, unbeknown to the officials, ALSO worked for Capone. So now that alcohol was unaccounted for, and able to be sold on the black market without oversight or regulation.
Now replace Capone with Musk. Replace alcohol with personal data. Replace the mobsters with a shadow company also paid by musk.
So now, your data can be stolen, and sold to the highest bidder, free of oversight or regulation on the black market.
And if anyone questions it, musk can feign ignorance. See? See? It even happens to my own services! Why would I attack X, if I own X?