Found this notification this morning on my pixel 6.
I stopped my donations to Mozilla.
How about turning off data sharing in whole android… Google…
pot -> kettle
Any good browser suggestion??
fennec - it’s foss firefox mod, without google and other tracking garbage
That’s chromium based. Having more firefox based browsers helps take away the dominate control Google has on browsers.
I like Zen. Waterfox is also good.
for android?
I like Vivaldi
Which is chrome in a trench coat.
Okay, turned it off. If a site needs my location it can ask me and I can politely tell it to fuck off unless it has a warrant.
Either die a hero……
Isn’t that just because Firefox got access to location data because some site asked for it?
Yep. Like a map website…
commenting cus I also have the same question
The DDG app shows no 3rd party tracking attempts made by Firefox at all… So far…
Yeah. People can avoid all this nonsense by installing one simple app… Duck duck go browser.
You don’t have to use the browser. It just sits in the background quietly blocking tracking requests from other apps.
It’s absolutely horrifying on first use to see how egregious tracking is.
There’s also the PersonalDNSFilter which does the equivalent while being a tiny open-source app that serves only for that purpose and also somehow still not getting banned from the Google Play store or AdAway which also has this feature or TrackerControl or…
deadass? I just use adguard
That’s not how it works. Apps cannot access the traffic of other apps, let alone decrypt it. There is no way DDG Browser does what you claim it does. They do not even claim that themselves.
EDIT: Unless, of course, it works as a VPN, which apparently it does.
It does in fact do what they claim it does, by functioning as a VPN.
You should probably try the app first before talking out of your ass.
Crazy that I’ve been downvoted for offering factual help, while the comment which is provably incorrect is up voted
I did have the browser app a few months ago, but didn’t see any such functionality. Of course, by working as a VPN that works.
figured as much
They’re making shit up. I can assure you that the DDG app does in fact block trackers in other apps, by functioning as a VPN. Give it a try, it really does work.
well damn now i dont know who to believe <:p
Pot Calling Kettle… etc… 🤣
I know, right, the fucking balls of Google to fucking say this
Because they are legally obligated to mention it?
Are they? What law?
Probably GDPR if I had to guess. Seems like anything decent these companies do can be directly traced back to GDPR.
Edit: guys, “probably” means that I’m unsure.
No GDPR does not require google to display app permissions like that…
Your just making things up.
Show me where I made something up, boss. Or do you not know what “probably” means?
Do you? Because made up satistics are still made up.
This is how misinformation starts.
If your not sure, google it before commenting. For the sanity of the internet.
Do you want the short or the long version?
…except they don’t for their own browser.
This is not at all a pot kettle situation, there is no reason to warn about Firefox.
There is: default search results on FF have always legally been sold to Google, the public didn’t know since there were no terms of service or mention by FF whenever they uploaded the android version on the playstore that their users data would be collected and some be sold. Position is one of the data that may be sold as it could be used by Google to dermine which localised version of the search result is the best one to serve
And it’s not going to be Google in the future: it could be Bing, startpage, ecosia, qwant etc… As long as someone pays, then the results are sold and there needs to be a warning to users.
use ironfox or fennec
Google warning you about Mozilla is just peak fucking irony
Alright gang, what are some good open source Firefox forks available on Android and Linux?
Librewolf for Linux. And ironfox on android
On Desktop I use Zen Browser. On Android I still use Brave, but I’m considering switching to a non chromium browser there some time.
I moved from Firefox on Android to Brave recently because it was too often breaking sites or taking much longer to load. Firefox just added a report broken sktes feature to the app though so maybe I’ll go back. Be the change I want to see in the world and whatnot.
Hey guys, did you know?