Found this notification this morning on my pixel 6.
I stopped my donations to Mozilla.
How about turning off data sharing in whole android… Google…
pot -> kettle
Pot Calling Kettle… etc… 🤣
This is not at all a pot kettle situation, there is no reason to warn about Firefox.
There is: default search results on FF have always legally been sold to Google, the public didn’t know since there were no terms of service or mention by FF whenever they uploaded the android version on the playstore that their users data would be collected and some be sold. Position is one of the data that may be sold as it could be used by Google to dermine which localised version of the search result is the best one to serve
And it’s not going to be Google in the future: it could be Bing, startpage, ecosia, qwant etc… As long as someone pays, then the results are sold and there needs to be a warning to users.
I know, right, the fucking balls of Google to fucking say this
Because they are legally obligated to mention it?
…except they don’t for their own browser.
Are they? What law?
Probably GDPR if I had to guess. Seems like anything decent these companies do can be directly traced back to GDPR.
Edit: guys, “probably” means that I’m unsure.
No GDPR does not require google to display app permissions like that…
Your just making things up.
Do you want the short or the long version?
Show me where I made something up, boss. Or do you not know what “probably” means?
Do you? Because made up satistics are still made up.
This is how misinformation starts.
If your not sure, google it before commenting. For the sanity of the internet.
use ironfox or fennec
Are you aware of Firefox’s changes to their privacy policy that has been in the news the past 2 weeks? If not you can easily find articles and youtuve videos on it.
That’s why I’m posting this 🤷♂️
I didn’t mean it to come across as insulting or anything. I meant it all genuinely to be helpful
You should just post the articles and videos.
They have been posted.
Don’t call me unless I gave you my number
Why would anyone here call you, and how would they even have your number in the first place?
Or I was busy and gave a quick and still helpful response
Isn’t that just because Firefox got access to location data because some site asked for it?
Yep. Like a map website…
commenting cus I also have the same question
Vivaldi is where it’s at
Nope. That’s still chromium based and further serves Google’s monopoly on the web platform.
Strips out all the tracking bullshit
That said I’m open to better alternatives. I’m working hard to protect myself.
Fennec. Ironfox. Mullvad. Tor.
I’m personally running on Librewolf, it strips out the Mozilla BS and gives you fairly strict default privacy settings. It’s sad that the free and open web is skating on thin ice.
No, it’s really not. Fuck chromium of all flavors.
It’s closed source and chrome(ium)(?) based. I’m not entirely convinced by Vivaldi.
Get ironfox?
I’ve not heard of ironfox before this thread! Could you possibly link it? Doesn’t seem like it’s on FDroid or IzzyOnDroid
its for android, mobile.
IronFox is on F-Droid. That where I got it from at least
You have to add IronFox’s repo in F-Droid before you can install it from there. This is their Github link.
In addition to what others have said, it can be downloaded from the Accrescent app store:
Never heard of that, what’s the benefit over F-Droid?
GrapheneOS posted this on Mastodon about a month & a half back:
The main difference is of philosophy of trust. With F-droid you trust F-droid to build the binary from the developers’ source code. With Accrescent, you trust the developers to build the binary from the source code.
With F-droid you trust F-droid to build the binary from the developers’ source code
Not when using a self-hosted F-Droid Repo - which is the case for Ironfox.
Yeah that’s like any 3rd party repository
So Accrescent is more like the classic play store or Obtainium?
In the play store you’re trusting Google and the developer.
I’m not sure how obtainium works. But if you download binaries from GitHub, you’re trusting the developer to accurately build their source code into the binary without adding anything. You’re also trusting GitHub implicitly – way back when, source forge was sometimes adding malware to downloads iirc.
F-droid is kind of cool in that they are saying, “we will ensure for you that the code you execute is the same as the open source code you can read”. But this added level of insurance comes with downsides – like sometimes it’s harder for the developer to make their code build properly, or maybe updates take longer.
And here I’m trusting Accrescent to actually deliver me an executable that has not been tampered with
fennec vs ironfox opinions?
I would love to see a real comparison.
I like fennec because the name is cute.
Google: “Forcing us to divest Chrome could have impacts on our ability to support Mozilla and their high executive salaries as we own the space with Chrome.”
Also Google:
Looks like its enshittification continues unabated :/
Wait a second. You’re expecting Google to not FUD? Ha ha ha oh wow. I mean I didn’t actually expect them to do so, but yeah.
Expected, no. Surprised, also no.
Wth is fud?
Fucking Ultra Demon
Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. It’s more commonly used in crypto communities.
[stern stare]
Forgotten the history, have we? I was referring to Microsoft’s tactics in the early 2000s.
Crypto bros have watered down the term and made it a laughing matter. They ruin everything they touch. Goddamn it.
Huh. I wasn’t even aware of it having that much of a history to begin with.
i mean it’s just because you can grant websites location data and toggle telemetry.