It isn’t lake/rive vs ground water. It is about what the water goes through / touches. Places where the water touches limestone will get lime scale. Some wells have more scale than others. Some lakes have very hard water. It is about where you live.
River, but we have a massive water treatment plant that feeds the city.
Just recalled going on holidays and seeing how bad some showerheads were with all the scale buildup. Just clicked in that I’ve been spoiled with our water quality and has never been an issue
Good water can have minerals that cause scaling too. Soft water removes the things that make water hard, but doesn’t necessarily mean the water is of a better quality as it could have toxins or other stuff in it.
Guessing you live next to a lake then, scale comes from groundwater. Or your city is rich enough to pay to soften it at the treatment plant
It could also be mountain runoff.
It isn’t lake/rive vs ground water. It is about what the water goes through / touches. Places where the water touches limestone will get lime scale. Some wells have more scale than others. Some lakes have very hard water. It is about where you live.
River, but we have a massive water treatment plant that feeds the city.
Just recalled going on holidays and seeing how bad some showerheads were with all the scale buildup. Just clicked in that I’ve been spoiled with our water quality and has never been an issue
That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.
Good water can have minerals that cause scaling too. Soft water removes the things that make water hard, but doesn’t necessarily mean the water is of a better quality as it could have toxins or other stuff in it.