Remember when the US was going to make them into a “pariah state”?
Thinks changed quickly when you could sell them $350,000,000,000 worth of murder stuff didn’t it?
Made a lot less waves back then.
Priorities I guess.Yay, capitalism.
Really feeling that free market…
The scene in Austin Powers when he first comes out of cryo and assumes the communists won the cold war makes a lot more sense to me as an adult
And what’s so wrong in this particular case?
The sauds are the last people you want to own anything you use.
I don’t get how that’s capitalism’s fault though
Capitalism is the fault.
Because it allows people’s data to be sold off. In other words, we’re the product.
Then the “yay capitalism” phrase can be applied to any digital product, and not just to this one then
Bad people are allowed to do bad things as long as they have the money for it.
I’m glad I never played that game. Call me old fashioned but I prefer the original Pokemon games on the Gameboy, that’s all I ever played. It was fun going to friends’ houses and gatherings and trading Pokemon over Link cable. Fun times.
I’ve tried some of scopely’s games. They’re following this playbook to the letter.
You’ll be getting freebies when your friends spend cash. You’ll get time limited offers. You’ll be paying to “try again”, against other players.
Who wins when a wall street broker and an oil sheikh use their wallets to fight over a Pokémon gym? Scopely wins.
Scopely games are just a bunch of mixed dark patterns reskinned with some popular IP
Good video. Nailed a lot of game behavior.
Ah yes… “freedom” under capitalism means being owned by some disgusting oil tyrant.
Scopely is the company that bought Pokemon Go (and others). Scopely was not created by the Saudi Arabian Government as the article states. It was created in the US. But was purchased by Savvy Games (A Saudi Arabian company) in 2023. It still operates independently and is based in the US. Though I do admit they probably report up all the way. Scopely is also the developer of Monopoly Go.
A country that investing in any successful product doesn’t mean they want your data. If they are interested they can buy it directly from any large organization and if must they can use spy ware or other means of intelligence.
If you have privacy concern, you have bigger issue than a game that is for all we know is dying game.
Saudi Govt: So MbS, what are we doing this week?
MbS: Well, first we’re gonna buy Pokémon Go, and if THAT goes well, then we’ll try to negotiate peace for Ukraine.
Saudi Govt: Priorities, Crowned Prince Mohammed. 💪
Can you prove this is worse than an insideous, shitty company like Niantic? No. No you cannot.
FUCK Niantic, and fuck this xenophobic noise.
Yes I can. Saudi Arabia is where modern slavery still happens. Women have no rights. The country funds proxy wars in the Middle East. Everyone who’s rich in that country is rich through exploiting oil, religion, terrible work conditions, or some combination of all the above. The only other country that out-does them on this front is The United Arabic Emirates.
A succesful company in that country would be party to all those things. Giving money to such a company would be giving money in support of all these things, as the money you give them becomes part of their economy. Pokemon GO would only be bought by any company because they see the potential of it becoming a money printing machine.
Being critical =/= xenophobic.
Yes, i’d love my data to be owned by oil barons that want to see me decapitated.
The sauds are the most evil people alive. And i’m saying this as an arab.
The sauds are the most evil people alive. And i’m saying this as an arab.
Koreans might disagree with this statement.
OOTL, who is it for them, then?
OOTL, who is it for them, then?
The Kim dynasty. How can one be out of the loop about the basics of North Korea?
Why are you being hostile? I just mostly focus on middle eastern politics.
I’d argue while the kim dynasty are the worst in the korean peninsula, they aren’t as much of a danger as the sauds globally.
Why are you being hostile?
I’m not.
I just mostly focus on middle eastern politics.
Maybe broaden your horizon.
they aren’t as much of a danger as the sauds globally.
Yeah, the ones with nukes and fighting a war against Europe are not a danger.
Oh man… probably should have passed laws to regulate data harvesting and digital privacy back in the 90s
when the Internet was still just a series of tubes…
Time to never use any of their products again
Saudi Arabia? I remember about 10 or so years ago that Saudi Arabia had banned Pokemon because “it promotes materialism”.
What changed?
After MBS became the de-facto leader (after some purges, to centralize all the power to himself) he started “liberalizing” and giving us more freedoms. It’s all bullshit.
Women weren’t even allowed to drive four years ago. That was probably the only good thing he gave us.
Tell me again how tik tok is a Chinese spy network? When they can just BUY our information like this?
Because a lie told often enough becomes true.
Realistically, every useful idiot is afraid to say they don’t know if a Chinese company is a spy network because it’s sooooooooo obvious even asking for proof makes them look stupid.
Ironically, not asking for proof is what makes us stupid.
If something is “so obviously true” yet nobody can provide evidence for it when asked, it’s probably the propaganda mill doing its job.
We know who pushed for the TikTok ban and why.
Imagine uncontroled popular mass media.
Probably they are all spy networks… Not to pee in your cereal or anything.
If everything is a spy network, then nothing is
Yeah this is a pretty dumb take. If all social media is stealing your info, then they are still all stealing your info. This is not “if everyone has superpowers nobody does,” it’s just a dipshit thing to say.
First sports washing and now game washing.
Haven’t played the game in years, and wasn’t aware of any of this. People discussing “What’s worse, Saudi Arabia or Niantic?” feels positively dystopian.