Donald Trump’s approval rating has slipped into negative territory for the first time in his second term, with 47% approval and 49% disapproval according to Newsweek’s polling average.
Economic concerns appear to be driving the decline, with 57% of Americans viewing his economic moves as “too erratic” and 61% disapproving of his tariff policies.
Trump’s current approval rating is lower than both Joe Biden’s at the same point in his presidency (53%) and Trump’s own numbers from his first term (50%).
Polling shows particular dissatisfaction with his handling of inflation and government spending.
No shit! The trouble is that he does not give a rats ass. He’s not here to help you, he is here to help himself. Americans fucked up big time in November, and now they’re going to pay the consequences.
No it doesn’t. At least 40% of the us are brain dead, that’s more then he needs to rule until his death.
Those numbers are complete bullshit. Less than half of the country voted for him. No way his approval was ever over 35%
It baffles me that these surveys turn up anything over 35%. The ignorant or disengaged voters really are the strength of the regime.
Now watch as the American people complain about it online rather than take action for themselves. No, they have to wait for somebody else to come save them.
The revolt will eventually happen, but its nearly impossible to predict the tipping point. When the Berlin Fall came down, it was so spontaneous that not a single intelligence agency in the world saw it coming. One day, an East German guard just decided that he wouldn’t shoot or detain someone trying to escape, and within hours, people from both sides were crawling all over it, smashing it with sledgehammers.
All we can do is get prepared, and stay alert. One day, it will happen, and we’ll be extremely lucky if it happens as non-violently as the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I know it’s not being covered by the media but there’s frequent protests in state capitals, Republicans have stopped having town halls because of the hostility, every Congressperson’s phone line says “this mailbox is full” because so many people are calling, and several Tesla showrooms have been vandalized.
There’s not an organized “March on Washington” type thing because the country spans a continent. It’s an expensive 5 hour flight from Los Angeles to DC and that’s if you fly direct. By contrast, it’s a 3 or 4 hour train ride from Marseille to Paris and it costs like 1/5 the price of an LAX to DCA direct flight.
We all wish Chuck Schumer wasn’t a pathetic bozo but the American people are doing what we can with the tools we have.
You know those protests in Greece over the railway accident? Those aren’t happening only in Athens. They’re happening all over the country, hundreds of thousands of people are out protesting all over.
There’s not an organized “March on Washington” type thing because the country spans a continent. It’s an expensive 5 hour flight from Los Angeles to DC and that’s if you fly direct.
And feel like flying and risking becoming a headline because the FAA is falling apart.
Bernie is right though, yet again. Change isn’t gonna happen in Washington. People need to protest where they are and get involved locally. Notice how the torching of Tesla cars is the only thing that grabs headlines? That’s telling you something. If we want coverage this time with the corporate media in on the job, standing around in hats holding signs in free speech zones ain’t likely to cut it.
The last time we Americans did anything more than whine about our government, and actually did something about it - I’m talking about the Revolutionary War - it took years of things getting worse (with the help of groups like the Sons of Liberty) before the population was ready to act, and even then there were huge portions of the continent, like New York, where everybody loved the British.
Until the die-hard MAGA people start doubting their savior, don’t expect anything to get better. In the meantime, start thinking about what we can change in our system, when the day comes, to prevent turds like this from floating to the top in the future.
A criminal who lies and is greedily destroying his nations economy while demanding fealty and respect. That percentage should be lower and it makes me wonder whether the tinkering they are doing with their schools is finally working.
What a joke, the USA are completely lost.
47% approval is hardly “underwater”, in his first term he topped out at 49%
Trump is still popular. Most americans don’t mind being the villains, he just didn’t deliver on cheap eggs.
Americans WILL mind if they start paying an extra $100/mo for power from Canada.
America got sweetheart deals on all of this, until trump started victimizing himself.
Dairy? We have health standards the US industry doesn’t want to meet for dairy. THAT is the ONLY reason, it’s not a wide open market. If the US would meet our health standards, they could sell all the dairy they want up here. But noooo! Gotta play the victim.
Truly; America IS the villian here.
The facts are the facts. The data is the data.
Now, America. Go suck your own ducks! We have other markets.
*I stand by my autocorrect! Suck a bag of waterfoul!
Yeeeah, i knew that, thanks.
Should we suck our own geese as well with the incoming tariff on Canada Geese?
They’re eating the fowl, they’re eating the geese (eggs)
Yes, and once they hear the word tax cut, they will forget everything else.
The thing you have to keep reminding yourself is just how disconnected from politics the average voter is. We’ve seen 2 full months of every day bringing some new chaos, but for most Americans, the only major things that have happened are:
- Elon Musk is firing lots of government workers
- Trump is enacting tariffs
Everything else is just noise to them and they filter it out. Until things really start to affect them directly, apathetic Trump voters who thought voting for him would magically turn the economy back to what it was before Covid are going to assume things are improving (because they already were before the election, they were just in a sour mood and refused to admit it).
Exactly. The impact of all those government firings hasn’t hit them yet. The effects will start to be felt in the coming weeks/months.
The bigger effects will take years if not decades. Who is going to go into government work when they start hiring again? The salary doesn’t beat industry so the primary draw was always stability. Doge has taken that away and it’ll never come back if Rs and “moderate” Dems remain anywhere close to power.