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Edit: omg everyone please reply to each other with suggested additional nicknames
I’ve got two. A void and (I think) a blue point.
The void is Apollo, but his nickname is “what is that in your mouth”
The blue point is Islay, but her nickname is “how the fuck did you get the toilet paper again”
Percy aka Percy-Cat and No, you’ve already been fed!
Nova and Athena. SillyButt and BabyKitty.
This is Luna. Her nicknames include: Stinky Lady, Baboona, Beepy Boopa, Loons, Lunar. Plus more that I’m sure I’m forgetting.
This is Izzy.
AKA Isabella, Queen Isabella Greypelt, Izzy Busy, Isabella Busy Boo, The Puke Monster and The Monochromatic Quadropus. At least one of those has one of those inane songs to go with it.
Name: ToeKnee
Nickname: Tony
Not a cat, but I adopted a dog whose name was Doc. I started calling him Docky and that became Ducky and then he started responding to that so now that’s his name.
He has a brother named Dexter that I obviously call Goose lol
Name: Nomi
Nickname: Nerbals (among many, many others)
One of my cats is called Pipping but I call him Chonky (He’s actually not chonky but behaves like he is.)
Big Chonk Energy
big chonk energy is real!
We have a runt who barely weighs 7 pounds but eats like a fatass. When I do the rounds filling bowls, she follows me to eat the absolute freshest food just placed.
Lubochka / Lulu / Bochka / Bobo / Booboo / Bober / Boober / Luboo / Bochkin
Snuggles, Struggles, and Franny.
Although we’ve started calling Struggles by new names such as Yappy Jackie, Gob, and Screamer.
My cats name is Jimmy and sometimes I call him Oggy, especially when he’s chasing bugs (no cockroaches here but I hope you get the reference)
Miss Caligula, in keeping with a Roman naming tradition. Usually shortened to Cali, or more often than not just goes by kitty.
We have two brothers. Their names are Rocky and Rambeaux.
We call Rocky “Rockity Pockity Man” and Rambeaux is “Rambles Wambles Tambles Mambles.”
Mimo, memes, mats shmickelson when eating, captain zeiksnor when annoying and sjattepoemel when sweet.