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Edit: omg everyone please reply to each other with suggested additional nicknames
One of my cats is called Pipping but I call him Chonky (He’s actually not chonky but behaves like he is.)
Lubochka / Lulu / Bochka / Bobo / Booboo / Bober / Boober / Luboo / Bochkin
Snuggles, Struggles, and Franny.
Although we’ve started calling Struggles by new names such as Yappy Jackie, Gob, and Screamer.
Miss Caligula, in keeping with a Roman naming tradition. Usually shortened to Cali, or more often than not just goes by kitty.
We have two brothers. Their names are Rocky and Rambeaux.
We call Rocky “Rockity Pockity Man” and Rambeaux is “Rambles Wambles Tambles Mambles.”
Mimo, memes, mats shmickelson when eating, captain zeiksnor when annoying and sjattepoemel when sweet.
Left: Alcatraz
Alcatraz became Darkness became Dennis. A three year old saying Darkness sounds like Dennis. His name is Dennis now.
Nicknames: Supermassive black hole, big black ass
Right: Ipso Facto
Nicknames: Ipso Catso, Ipso Fatso, jerk, Ipso Untrusto,
Gadget, or sometimes just Gadg, more often Gadgey-poo. The other brat is Nova, or most commonly Nova-beans. https://youtube.com/shorts/Mn643qQTSlI
Mush mush. Her real name is Altima.
Gusfraba (gusi, gus) and genebre (gine)
Name: Aaron Purr
Nicknames: Biscuit Boy, Boffin, Little Babushka, Baaronki Paponski the Zoozahzonski, Bahba, the VP, Bisco Pisco Sour,
Omg you got your cat to sleep somewhere that’s not directly on the fucking keyboard!?!? Who are you so wise in the ways of cats?
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Joke’s on you. My password is Abcd1234!
Wow I only see *********
I like that you took your time to count the characters
Name: Toffee (left)
Nicknames: Toff, Choff, Meatball, Lil Sis
Not nicknames but things she is: a gremlin, smooth-brained, a domestic terrorist, a princess, just a baby.
Name: Muddy Buddy (right)
Nicknames: Muddy, Buddy, Mudster, Pudster, Putty, Big Sis, Muddy Monster, Mud Bud,
Things she is: a big girl, a spooky ghost, a sad baby.
Name: Nora
Nicknames: Nörchen, Norora Borealis, The Baby, Guardgoyle, My Darling
Norora borealis? At this time of year, at this latitude, localized entirely within your bedroom?
Styx, black (named after one of Plutos moons, not the 80s band)
- Stixer
- Stixie
Diesel, orange (named in memory of my friends cat)
- Dieseler
- Dieselkins
Together they are Dieselbub and the Prince of Darkness. They are brothers from the same litter and we love them very much.
Edit: Gah! I just went upstairs and they’re being adorable