I love the shirt but I also love how many “lefty/communists” sport the iron front logo
Fascists love telling their zealots that there is a prize after dying for the cause, Valhalla myths fits right in.
I need The Pack to do a rework on this one
There’s probably a shit ton of nazis in Valhalla. Vikings didn’t have any sort of morality about human rights, they went by might makes right. If you died in glorious battle, no matter the cause, you’re going to Valhalla.
So there’ll probably be a shit ton of nazis from WWII, along with russians and Americans who they fight an unending war with.
Modern nazis arent really dying in glorious battle, if they do die in battle it’s after shooting a bunch of defenseless people before being sniped by a cop, not really that glorious. Most of the nazis though are just posting edgelord shit online and are just as afraid of daylight as they are brown people, no Valhalla for them.
Listen, if Valhalla is endless fighting and killing in the afterlife then killing Nazi’s repeatedly sounds like a great time.
The runes around it read “Nazis fuck off” three times.
Yes, because real Vikings were very serious about respecting human rights.
To be fair, Vikings didn’t necessarily want to exterminate ethnic groups or purge so-called unclean peoples, they simply targeted whomever had booty they could despoil.
Come on over here and I’ll despoil your booty
So, essentially the real life pirates.
Pretty sure pirates were the real life pirates
That’s what Viking literally translates to.
There were some quasi racial elements, the idea of “races of man” is mentioned in the Sagas and such but it wasn’t really the same. More tribal, less about skin tone but also the Vikings didn’t really have contact with other skin tones unless they were one of the groups raiding the Mediterranean or Vinland which was rare.
Still proto-fascists balls deep in might makes right with a chattel slave economy though.
Hahaha thank you, these kids of things are too funny.
I want this so much! They love their Norse mythology.