Oh ffs no one knows anything about the future so let’s go pick apart literally any prediction you’ve ever made with any certainty if we’re going to be pedantic shits about it.
Let’s get prescriptive then since you’re such an ass: it is reasonable to assume at this stage that Apple will not implement ads the way we are seeing Roku roll them out in the post we are commenting on. Are you satisfied? Can we move on? Jfc you’re obnoxious. I don’t know why you’re pretending you don’t understand what I am saying. Unless your grasp of the English language is that poor.
I’m not the one defending a corporation that literally hid behind their CEOs coming out story to avoid bad press about their tax dodging… Tax dodging which helped them get their obscene warchest today. Apple isn’t your friend and doesn’t care that you exist, dude.
Cry more and go suck some more corporate dick while you’re at it.
To quote you:
And I’m saying you don’t know that they won’t do that in the future. But keep clarifying yourself more, I’m sure it will help clear it up.
Oh ffs no one knows anything about the future so let’s go pick apart literally any prediction you’ve ever made with any certainty if we’re going to be pedantic shits about it.
Let’s get prescriptive then since you’re such an ass: it is reasonable to assume at this stage that Apple will not implement ads the way we are seeing Roku roll them out in the post we are commenting on. Are you satisfied? Can we move on? Jfc you’re obnoxious. I don’t know why you’re pretending you don’t understand what I am saying. Unless your grasp of the English language is that poor.
I’m not the one defending a corporation that literally hid behind their CEOs coming out story to avoid bad press about their tax dodging… Tax dodging which helped them get their obscene warchest today. Apple isn’t your friend and doesn’t care that you exist, dude.
Cry more and go suck some more corporate dick while you’re at it.
Not defending Apple. I’m a Linux user. Apple can generally go fuck itself. Try again.
I’m definitely not the one being a tryhard here.
Also, Linux ain’t safe from corporate influence when Linus dies, either.
There you go putting words in my mouth again
Other people having their own opinions isn’t putting words in your mouth.
Ok then you’re making strawmen. Same difference.
FFS dude do you have so little grasp of the English language you legitimately can’t infer anything or are you just being dense on purpose?
Having an opinion and stating it isn’t making a strawman.
At this point I’m just having fun pissing you off.