I made this Python menu-driven CLI script for yt-dlp. It guides you through a series of menus to download content from a YouTube URL.
If anyone is interested, feedback would be greatly appreciated as only I have tested this so far, and I want to make sure it works for other people’s systems.
If you encounter any issues or bugs, let me know so I can fix them!
Edit: I should mention: This is not a pipx package. That was never the intention developing this initially. I might make it a package in the future, but for now, it is just a project directory.
User friendly LOL!
You shoulda lead with that. I love the humor. Can’t stop laughing,
The entire project is a bug LOL!
Where to start?
Start with a
and work from there.Everything is a bug until it’s got test coverage.
In the .github folder?! That’s gotta be a 1st
Expecting pre-commit as well as isort, flask, black, and mypy
Looked into
expecting to find a console UI framework. There is none!A pattern has emerged that many Python coders have spent not enough to no time learning packaging, dev toolchain, and CI/CD publishing. When asking folks to test your work they’ll be expecting a published package, not a series of amateurish scripts and a bash install script.
Should write an advertisement
Please someone skilled at console UI and packaging please please please help in a paid position.
Can confidently say, you need help.
Not writing more features the OP is good at that. Just packaging and swapping out the prehistoric console UI with a modern console UI framework.
Dunking on noobs is not cool.
A series of scripts does not make a package. Have to put our collective foot down; follow Nancy Reagon’s advice,
Just say no!
This project cannot be helped. It needs a complete rewrite.
Having minimal expectations is not being mean to noobs. Not getting anywhere in the ballpark of minimal expectations is being mean to potential users …