Im working with an old reprap cotroled directly with an Laptop with cura. Filament is RS-Pro (2325395) Pla though. Open around 4 weeks ago but i have this problem in some capacity since i have this Filament. Before i had some really old pla which snapped all the time because it wss so brittle. Is this really just shitty Filament? Help/ Insight would be much appreciated.
That’s what extremely wet PLA looks like.
depending on the situation, you can pull humidity back out of it and reuse it using a bunch of silica dessicant.
Or just toss it in the oven at a low temp for an hour or so. I’ve also turn my bed temp up high and put a spool on it with a box over it. Just cut some small holes in the too to allow humid air to come out. After an hour or so should be good to go. Assuming the issue is moist filament.
I never succeeded in drying filament with the normal cheap ways people post around.
But I’ve had plenty of luck with a filament drier. Those aren’t too expensive.
I want a filament dryer, but I’m too cheap, and don’t use my printer enough. :(
I want to start using it again, but I’ve been struggling to get the motivation to recalibrate and figure out all the optimal settings again.