Shouldn’t travel to China
Shouldn’t buy things made there either, but that’s pretty tough to do.
So they exexute a couple thousands of people every year. And probably even more?! That’s … alot.
Execution for drug trafficking is too harsh.
Well, I can’t imagine that happening in The Netherlands (Amsterdam) any time soon.
in all cases?
I knew a guy who got tweens hooked on crack, for fun…
He’s dead, now, but sometimes one has to wonder if there shouldn’t be more-immediate, harsher, enforcement, for some crimes…
( I’m considering the difference between clean-room principles, vs actual-on-the-ground situations, involving real fucked-up-human-reality: sometimes harsh correction seems to be required.
I know that now there are people who are not allowed to leave prison because they’re too-much threat to the population, in some places…
also, it depends on one’s culture, doesn’t it?
In the West, maybe some drugs are culturally OK, & others are not…
& in other cultures, the configuration is different…
We seriously hold that Western moral-assumptions are universal, still?
Has our “White ego” or “British Empire ego”, or whatever it ought be called, still so much “centrality” that it cannot understand self-determination of other-cultures?
I’m only using the British Empire example because it was the empire before the US Empire, btw.
I hold that executing people for drug-trafficking is daft … but then I read about the gang-ruled portions of Mexico … and wonder … how can trafficking be dis-entangled from all the other-crimes involved in organized-crime?? )
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Not really, the whole country suffered decades of modern development due to opium. That’s a lot worse than a couple thousand executions:
“State sanctioned murder is fine if you were a victim of British colonialism 200 years ago” is a wild take, even for a tankie
I’m not even a tankie, I’m just explaining the context for which they want to ban drugs so badly
You disagreed it was too harsh. That isn’t context, you’re stating an opinion in support of their policy.
Most of the drugs they ban like cannabis are because of a UN convention that, under US pressure, forced them to, in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
I’m not even a tankie
It’s not like they have to choose between killing them and letting them go, they could just lock them up for life too.
ttbomk, they need about 10,000 executions per year, for sake of the harvested body-parts, & I’ve read that for years there seemed to be a quota on executions, to provide the required body-parts…