I try to take advantage of the invisibility by long tapping the wait button to recover as much hp as possible, but enemies still show up and attack me. Am I doing something wrong?
I try to take advantage of the invisibility by long tapping the wait button to recover as much hp as possible, but enemies still show up and attack me. Am I doing something wrong?
That’ll happen, yes, and when the enemy steps near you, you can do one of two things:
You can do a sneak attack, then take 1 step, then do another sneak attack, forever. You will get guaranteed hits, but their attacks can still be evaded. But they might at some point lose track of you.
So, if you’re going to wait in that room to heal or recover artifact charges or wand charges, do so close to the door so you have plenty of room to walk away from enemies.
If you have some sort of mind vision and ranged weapons, you can get surprise attacks them them without retaliatory attacks.