I’m on 136 and my extensions are fine. What version are you on?
I’m on 136 and my extensions are fine. What version are you on?
Chromite passed the EFF test for trackers. I had a unique fingerprint, though. Not surprising. It’s really hard not to.
Here’s a summary of this hot take.
- The game gives you way too much powerful equipment and abilities right away. This undermines any sense of progression or challenge.
- The power armor is so good it makes radiation damage irrelevant. This completely contradicts the idea of Fallout, where radiation is a constant danger.
- The game is incredibly easy. Bethesda tries to compensate by throwing tons of enemies at you, which makes combat feel overwhelming and chaotic.
- The writing is bad. Dialogue options are simplified, and the main story is riddled with plot holes.
- The Institute storyline is poorly written. The main villain, “Father”, is inconsistent and his motivations are never fully explained.
- The ending of the game is deeply unsatisfying. There’s no option to negotiate with the Institute or prevent them from being destroyed.
- The game is full of glitches and technical issues. These range from animations to camera issues to disappearing textures.
Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed this nightmare. It’s a beautiful game with excellent gameplay, and I’ve played it multiple times. The companions have deep and interesting stories and quests. The side quests are full of humor and nods to other Fallout games and pop culture. The gunplay is the best of any Fallout game. And the god rays! Oh, the god rays!
Yeah, the main quest was sub-par. Oh well. Personally, I enjoyed the twist regarding Father, and it was satisfying to destroy the Institute.
Using a full dialog mod at least let’s you see what you’re going to say before you say it. I agree on that point. The dialog choices suck compared to older games.
It was this morning at 2:30 AM Eastern. A.K.A., last night.
Testing automation:
Well, that’s not very useful. The “open” automation option just opens the URL in the top item in the dropdown, which for chase.com turns out to be the ticket master app…? That’s just one example, but the behavior is just not predictable. There doesn’t seem to be a way to use a particular browser to open the specified URL.
People should use the nightly builds since the stable builds are like two years old. They can be installed with Obtanium.
Oh, interesting. I have that installed, but didn’t realize it could be your default browser. 😅 I had been sharing links to it manually like you have to do with Léon the URL Cleaner. Using it as your default browser is really cool.
Turns out, you can also add automations to URLCheck. Maybe it can be programmed to open OP’s bank links in a certain browser with zero interaction, and then open every other link in their normal browser, again, with zero interaction. EDIT: This doesn’t seem possible. See my comment reply.
Alternatively, someone in this thread recommended LinkSheet, which seems nice since it is similar to the standard “choose and app” UI in Android, and lets you choose a specific browser. Some people might prefer the familiar UI, although it seems to require a double tap to choose a browser, not a single tap.
Here’s Linksheet’s UI:
This next screenshot is URLCheck, for those who haven’t used it, with my own modifications by turning certain modules off and changing others. For one, you can make the Cleaner module auto-apply instead of having to tap it manually. This is great for removing YouTube tracking tokens and such. Now that I figured out you can set it to auto-apply, I’m going to probably stop using Léon and just use URLCheck.
It’s nice that it supports opening links in apps that are set to handle such links instead of only showing general web browsers. I’m gonna start using URLCheck more, and try it as my default browser for a while, and maybe set up some automations. I learned a lot while writing this comment!
How do you feel about DDG browser? It’s another chrome based option. I’ve been using it when the some rare website won’t work in a Firefox fork, and I’m curious to hear other people’s opinions about it.
I like their free email forwarding service for throwaway accounts. Obviously, the emails aren’t private in any way.
I’ve used Libby a bunch, but mostly with the “Send to Kindle” option, or just the integrated reader. How do you get the file to read it other ways? I’m thinking of replacing my Kindle with a Kobo color model.
My musket says otherwise!
Brits who say “Microsoft are doing a thing” are poking knitting needles into my ears every time!
It’s not plural. Microsoft is a company. A. One!
It doesn’t matter that it’s a company of individuals. Next your going to tell me my person is plural because I’m made from many cells. “CrayonRosary are mistaken about language!” No!
Bonus: Math is singular, too, because mathematics is singular. It’s not the plural of mathematic!
We overthrew your rule specifically because of this one language issue!
You should change instances of “you” to “OP” in your comment since I’m not them. I was just answering your question. 😄
They’re “roguelite” games. Games that feature permanent death, and are designed to be played from the start over and over while you learn more about the game, and often unlock new things each run (metaprogression) that can make each future run a little easier, or at least different.
The “roguelite” name comes from “roguelike” which itself is used to describe games being similar to “Rogue”, a very old ASCII dungeon crawler that pioneered this sort of gameplay. Roguelikes are modern, turn-based dungeon crawlers that feature the same mechanics.
Not bleach. Use mold control spray. Bleach doesn’t kill the mold deep in the drywall, and sometimes not in the cracks of the paint.
Your comment needs more paragraph-long sentences with multiple parentheticals. I can almost read it. /s
Actually, if you take out the parentheticals, your third paragraph doesn’t even make sense.
they will happily that they shouldn’t be liable…
Happily argue?
If you can’t keep track of your own sentences enough to not miss an important word, how can you expect other people to do so? Maybe ease up on the parentheses.
Yes, the code that converts markdown to HTML is only looking for spaces. If you put four spaces in a row at the start of a line, it’s a code block. If you also add a dash, it’s a second level bulleted list item.
You have to do something to keep the parser from seeing the 4 spaces, and using non-breaking spaces is the best way of doing that.
It works everywhere. I simply typed it in. Here’s the source:
I put a normal space after each non-breaking space for a total of 4 spaces. I could have just used 4 non-breaking spaces, I suppose.
Sure, it’s not a coöp, but at least they pay $20/hr starting wage, and $30/hr for half of their employees because they stay there so long.
“She’s dead, Jim”
- Dr. Leonard McCoy
I’ve done the impossible.
Cheesy Gordita Crunch is the best menu item ever.