Please give ear scratchies.
So fluffy 😍
How old and how sleepy was he?
He looks like he’ll need another one or two days of napping and patting.She’s four will be five later this year. And she’s always sleepy.
That dog is most definitely not cute
It is regal and majestic as fuck
Rosie says, “BORK!” which I’m pretty sure means, “Thanks!”
Regal and majestic, sure.
But also cute.
This is the most square dog ive ever seen
She’s definitely not that square normally. Definitely boxier than the rest of her St. Bernard family.
J Cole?
I was going for early social media posts, not directly a J Cole reference but I’ll take it.
This is what being in your 40s trying to date is like. You put up your best picture on a dating site, but you’re still old and very tired. Might delete the whole profile later.
I don’t even have a dog, but you know how they say all dogs look like their owners? If I had a dog, it’d be this guy. This dog looks like he’s about 8 beers deep watching baseball, it’s the 7th inning, down by 1, and all he can talk about is how the Cleveland Indians had the 1997 world series in the bag. We won the world series. And then, the Marlins best player came to pitch. Jose Mesa. Now I know what you’re thinking. Mesa was wearing an Indians jersey. And he was. Mesa was officially a roster member of the Cleveland Indians. But he was STILL the Marlins best player…
…am I projecting my sports belief onto a dog?