When the threat is credible, words are much more violent than burning a car, sheesh. You’re being manipulated by your desire to be manly. What kind of weakling even cares about threats until the Nazis are at your doorstep, when you can simply fight them off with your big hairy penis.
Property damage is not violence, say it with me now
What I meant to say was that you’re wrong. Destruction is violent any way you cut it.
Don’t spout dumb shit so quickly.
Ask AI if destroying someone else’s private property is a violent act.
“Say it with me now”
Ew god… I don’t know why I torture myself like this.
“it with me now”
Destruction of property isn’t violence, but words are?
This gets a screenshot.
Uhhhhh I don’t recall saying that
Which half of that are you confused about?
Between this and sharing screenshots to giggle about internet people, you sound like a teenager.
Im not actually screenshoting, but…
“Property damage is not violence, say it with me now”
Screams low T soyboy and is a priceless quote.
But yes, destruction of private property is a violent act.
When the threat is credible, words are much more violent than burning a car, sheesh. You’re being manipulated by your desire to be manly. What kind of weakling even cares about threats until the Nazis are at your doorstep, when you can simply fight them off with your big hairy penis.
Come at me scrublord I’m ripped
Pm me a pic of your --ck
Who said words are?
Overly effeminate soy boys. Liberals. Leftists. Woketards.
Words isnt violence.
Oh, you’re just a fucking moron. Gotcha.
Get triggered more, snowflake