Im not actually screenshoting, but…
“Property damage is not violence, say it with me now”
Screams low T soyboy and is a priceless quote.
But yes, destruction of private property is a violent act.
Im not actually screenshoting, but…
“Property damage is not violence, say it with me now”
Screams low T soyboy and is a priceless quote.
But yes, destruction of private property is a violent act.
College, then I started teaching piano and middle school. So if you need any help, just me know. You can do it, I believe in you.
Lol yall love saying this about rich people you don’t like.
" BuT but aLl oF HiS DeBt!"
Yeah… it takes money to make money.
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Wow… and now you display the symptoms of TDS to everyone. Brave of you
Sounds like you probably have TDS
Pm me a pic of your --ck
What I meant to say was that you’re wrong. Destruction is violent any way you cut it.
Don’t spout dumb shit so quickly.
Ask AI if destroying someone else’s private property is a violent act.
“Say it with me now”
Ew god… I don’t know why I torture myself like this.
… I don’t think Musk is relying on tesla alone. He has money coming in from everywhere. Hence, all of his inspired businesses.
Yeah, so i drove my brothers brand new, fully loaded model X. That shit was sweet
Destruction of property isn’t violence, but words are?
This gets a screenshot.
It’s so funny… never has the democratic party been so unpopular, but it is getting even louder! You’d think it would be a large following with how much we have to hear their crap, but it’s just a very loud minority.
Obviously I already know about TDS since I said that. So, what did it mean for you? Did you learn anything about yourself?
How does the pedophile thing relate?
Pleasing raise your awareness on this, or just don’t derive what you know from msm. The big shift that happened was perspectives. I love my northern socialist kid brother of a country. Please don’t write an essay, but give me 1 thing.
Ok. But no, because that won’t happen. No one’s buying that. The real trumpsters i suppose love it, but it won’t fly with Republicans at large id wager. Im not into starting that. And that’s a far cry from trying to become a dictator anyway. You need to understand i didn’t vote red or blue. I think we need to fight the hole system, not each other.
Gays will be around till Jesus returns.
Overly effeminate soy boys. Liberals. Leftists. Woketards.
Words isnt violence.