Don’t forget the war on drugs
TBH, the mental hospitals were a mess and rife with abuse.
But rather that invest money into improving them, he got rid of them by branding it “de-institutionalization”. Made it sound like he was freeing people.
It took many years before people found effective antivirals to help people infected with AIDS. No nation had effective treatment.
Having to work to develop treatment is one thing. Actively ignoring the existence of HIV/AIDS and just letting people die is an entirely different thing. Reagan was a piece of shit.
It’s not like the medical industrial complex sits around waiting for the whitehouse to tell them which diseases to work on. They know how to make a dollar, they just didn’t have the knowledge at the time.
while having early onset alzheimers at the time, which was hidden from the public, and the administration was mostly controlled by nancy and the cabinet.
hmmmm…why does this story sound so familiar?
Another great president on the right, this time a fucking actor… A DAMN ACTOR!
Good old trickle down economics at work!
Reganomics. Trickle down economics. Only thing that trickles is piss and shit.
formerly known as the horse-and-sparrow theory: the idea that feeding a horse a huge amount of oats results in some of the feed passing through for lucky sparrows to eat.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” - CIA Director William J. Casey to President Ronald Reagan, in 1981
Not to glorify mental institutions, which are often vehicles of state oppression and state violence.
Having both been homeless and in a psych ward, I preferred being homeless (granted I could sleep in public transit).
I will never know what it is like to be in pre-Reagan America and for that alone that man should burn in hell waiting for heaven to trickle down.
A lot of younger people simply don’t know that the age we all consider the golden age of middle class America (40s-70s) was so because we TAXED THE FUCK OUT OF THE WEALTHY. As we should.
If we do not return to doing so, our quality of life is going to continue to decline indefinitely.
Not even the Democrats could do this with a Democrat controlled Congress and presidency
many of them are dinos, shills for the gop anyways, wouldnt have gotten anything done anyways.
The democrats are cowards, the republicans are evil. If there ever is another proper election in the US, vote independent.
it worked for mexico almost 10 years ago.
that is, until we regime change them… again.
Conversely, I think most of the county would rabidly support anyone who ran on that platform… Even most Trump voters
I was here but barely too young to vote at the time (not that it mattered since he had so many people enthralled like trump has done). No, I will never forget how he (along with some others like Newt Gingrich) ruined everything, so just as I was getting started in adult life, things were already starting to go to hell and it hasn’t stopped since.
Reagan really was the beginning of the end for this country, and though a couple times it looked like we might, we were never able to turn things around. And now here we are, experiencing the culmination of his work of turning America into a kleptocratic oligarchy.
Trump is just the Result of Reagan’s transformation of American politics and culture to greed first and only.
Trump is a vulture picking this nation’s corpse clean. Ronald Reagan and Jack Welch killed us half a century ago.
thank him for no-brakes neoliberalism. i wish this piece of shit had only ruined his own shitty country but instead we were forced into his insane bullshit too.
Almost every problem america has to day, you could blame on Reagan.
And you would be right far, far, faaaar more often than you’d be wrong.
Reagan, Nixon, or Dubya. You bet on Reagan for safety, Dubya if it sounds more recent, Nixon is a dark horse to bet on who pays big whenever you get it right.
This actually works incredibly poorly or very well depending on your opinion if you just applied it to random problems in the US that are like micro issues.
Toilet clogged? Reagan’s fault
How dare you talk like this about the republicans Jesus? And they are still selling less taxes one the 1% cause they create jobs 😅